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Everything posted by Morris

  1. To the WW1 historians, Are there any confirmed “ROCKET” kills during aerial combat? Just curious! Morris
  2. Rocket Kills during WW1

    The reason for asking is because i have had several kills in OFF with rockets at close range. It does work and the kills are confirmed. Thanks for the info gentlemen. roger roger m
  3. OT: New drawing

    WOW... WOW. great work. m
  4. Dear Hellshade, do u think there will be magic mushrooms in the rain forest? Lets just stay with aerial combat during WW1 (P4). m
  5. Format C:\

    Duce, reading the post about the new graphics card. The bigger power supply u can use the better for the card. i would suggest looking at a 750 - 1200 w power supply. overall the whole PC will benefit from the bigger power supply. morris
  6. How things have changed

    WOW, and that is still on the old CFS3 engine? looks incredible. Please post more.. m
  7. Dear Polovski, STOP playing WOP and please work on P4. (JOKE) sincerely, morris
  8. Dear OBD, Playing OFF with all the updates and patches are like being married to the right woman. I love it, i love it. Thanks m
  9. How things have changed

    OVS & Polovski, Please post more of those new pics. STunning stunning. m
  10. How things have changed

    Polovski, thanks for the new wallpapers. love it.
  11. That "other WW1 flight sim"

    I have just played ROF for the first time and after hours of game update. The graphics are GREAT but the game play compared to BH&H can never be compared! Pls, never change the engine if the feel of BH&H will be lost. Roger roger. M
  12. That "other WW1 flight sim"

    Dear pilots, I have read ever bodies post about ROF (or that other WW1 sim) many things have been said. I personally think and understand that “life is about presentation”. appraiserfl: was only making a remark that BH&H will look better with a new graphics engine and that he still loves BH&H as the best WW1 game. If OBD gives us BH&H with a brand new engine with limited graphics limitations NOBODY will say O’ no, please bring back CFS3 engine. Ps. Only if the new engine is crap! M This is the best game I have ever played.
  13. Dear Lou, as soon as im finished with my SE5a Viper (best kite) i will fly those belgium camels and kill huns and send u a post card. m
  14. Dear Pilots, Has anybody have a suggestion on any campaign to fly and what year and plane? I have just finished 17 hours with a N.28 at 94th Aero. Thanking u m
  15. New Campaign Suggestions

    Dear Bullethead, Thanks for great info. m
  16. New Campaign Suggestions

    Thanks Lou, I will give the SE5 a go. cheers m
  17. those skins are stunning. great work. m
  18. Silly pics of yourself

    Beer makes u happy m
  19. can anybody please tell me what i need to do to make a screen shot of the pilot's log screen? Thanking you m
  20. thanx gents, Duce, True that N.28 kite needs some getting use to. if she did not have that big "front window visor" she would have been a better bird to trail the enemy. Appraiserfl, I order the: "Accell UltraAV B087B-002B DisplayPort/DVI-D Dual-Link Adapter (Black)" est. time of arrival with in the next few days. I will surely send you a pic. I CANT WAIT.. Have a great new years party 2night. cheers m
  21. Thanx Red-Dog, That campaign is on the ice for a few days. I have started a new American campaign at 94th Aero and it’s a whole different story. Cheers M

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