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Everything posted by exhausted

  1. img00060.JPG

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  13. img00001.JPG

  14. What does it feel like to be shot?

    Gentalmen, I met a man by chance who was shot in the forehead and had the back/top of his skull blown to pieces by a 7.62mm AJ-47 round and he enlightened me. He said that after he shot and killed 4 guys who ambushed his squad, he was reloading his MG and saw a muzzle flash. He said it hurt BRIGHTLY and quick then..... cold, cold, cold - water. In that time he said he saw Jesus. He also said he saw his squad attempting to talk to Jesus, but not all were accepted. (I tell you the truth on what he said, no embellishments- don't kill the messanger) He said it felt like someone opened his body up and poured ice cold water into his wound and he felt it in every cubic inch of his body. He said he layed onconscience for 3.5 hours and woke up in a hospital. The round didn't destroy most of his brain and he is alive, though with extremely severe PTSD and very much trouble concentrating. He also has a fear of cold water.
  15. Is the mini radar screen under the sight accurate?
  16. Here's some flight data, if you needed some.
  17. I hope I can be of some help. Here is a cockpit shot of the Yak-38 (left), and Yak-36M (right). A panel layout for -38 is on the bottom. It looks a lot like MiG-21 cockpit to me.
  18. I think the title says it all. I'm just curious, that's all.
  19. I have Yefim Gordon's book on the Yak -38 and I'm very psyched about this plane. I have fun trying to balance the Harriers, but this seems like a such a challenge!
  20. Dave, mine does the same thing. I noticed this on day 1, but have not reported it.
  21. Semper Fi! F402-RR-408B mech here.The B is a highly capable aircraft and has bailed a lot of grunts' butts out of bad situations. Also, remember the "Highway of Death" out of Kuwait? Yeah, that's mostly A-10s and AV-8Bs. The Harrier is still vunerable to IR SAMs firing perpendicular because of the wierd exhaust situation, but most people don't realize that hot exhaust only comes out of the rear two nozzles and the front two are just cold nozzles blowing excess air from the LP compressor.
  22. Dave! I need to seriously restate my intentions! Your team did a fantastic job on this mod. I give you my thanks and my kudos. I have nothing but admiration for the giving spirit you have. The work and the programing the team did is phenominal! I was only asking if the limitations were with the research (and I am not saying it was) or with the game engine. Don't get downed for this question. You know much more about this then I do so please take it with a grain of salt! Everyone should have this. We should play online.
  23. The new Harrier with the 1991 nose was great! Marc must have been feeling nice to get his F-117 out with the package! The updated pits and the lights are awesome! Here are a couple of gripes, but correct me if I'm wrong. I did a Harrier campaign and they ordered me to go to Bagdad on 16 February. I cruised with an AF package and I dont believe this to be entirely realistic. I know the Harriers were mainly CAS and hitting the arty hard, not doing SEAD missions. Again, I'm speaking out of my ass. I would also like to know if the EF-111 jammers have any effect on protecting my Harrier flight.
  24. Air Shows


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