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Posts posted by aggressor

  1. So it seems,i'm still not out of the woods with it.

    I can not get in to the flightengine.ddl to change it.

    I thing ,you guy's are gonna thingk i'm an idiot,but i'm just starting with this kind of work.

    I have used flight sims before ,but that was installing them and they flew,period.

    Bud Strike Fighters is to me a verry differend ballgame,still i'm verry eager to learn more about it.

    So forgive me my stupidiness,and be pacient with me.

  2. Wel ,i don't get it anymore.

    Is there any body who can help me out here.

    I've just installed the Tornado add on to my SFG folder,and evrything looked fine ,bud when i start the game up and select the Tornado the stops and i get and error message.

    Can somebody help me to fix that.

    I have also problems to isntall F16 those don't even come in the list after i installed them.

    F14's for example are working verry good.

    What te hell am i doing wrong ????????????????????


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