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Everything posted by UnknownPilot

  1. Yeah, I figured for it to use something integrated into the shape (as you said, F-117A style), but I still don't see anything that would be such an opening. Looks like it's powered by magic, which is why I asked.
  2. No kill like a..... missile kill

    Anyone else find it extremely satisfying to pop someone with a missile, or is it just me? lol Maybe it comes from being a prop (sim) guy. Up until LOMAC had come out, I really never did jet sims. My first was a WWII sim, then I got a WWI sim. And several more WWII after that, culminating in 9 years of IL2. I love a guns kill, for sure. But.... like I said, maybe because it's the 'norm' for me, or maybe because it doesn't seem as hard to work for in jets; I've noticed lately that it's just incredibly satisfying to see a missile track and nail somebody. Either through zoom view, watching the trail and seeing the lead then watching them connect, or, for some longer shots, hitting F9 and watching it track all the way to the target. 60 mile Phoenix kills are awesome! Heh, and then again, maybe it's because the early missiles are so damned ineffective that when they actually do track and hit it's a cause to celebrate. lol
  3. No kill like a..... missile kill

    Yeah, but it's kinda like a hole in one that bounced off of a bird - it wasn't "earned" per se (in the sense of how people refer to guns kills), but still truly awesome when it happens.
  4. No kill like a..... missile kill

    Great vid. I soooooo wish we could get more comprehensive systems modeling in this series. That is part of what made LOMAC so epic.
  5. Holy crap! MiG-29M OVT

    The nozzles on that thing are just astounding. It looks like unbeleivable fun. This is another bad-ass clip (of a somewhat, kinda-sorta related plane) - Su-35UB Are they still desperate for money? Think they would take a grand for either one of them? (bout all I can spare right now, unfortunately, and technically, not even then, or else I'd buy a new computer, but for something like that, I'd take the chance lol! )
  6. Strike Commander did it in 1993. LOMAC did it in 2003. It's really not an outlandish thing to desire as your sarcasm suggests. However, doing it in an aftermarket fashion without access to the original code, that might well be impossible. Always worth a try though. :) Just blocking the sun from bleeding through dashboards and plane externals (in a similar fashion as the CCIP mod) would be excellent. :)
  7. Random Pic Time

  8. No kill like a..... missile kill

    Fly Oleg's borked Hellcats, or early P-47s or even for that matter 190A4s or 8s, solo, online, for a while. You'll have your fill of "working for it". hehe It's arguable that getting a front lock with a 9L during a merge and shooting the bandit in the face, or nailing a bandit 60NM out where he can't even SEE you on his scope is not working for it, but damn is it fun! (I often try to imagine what it must be like for the enemy flight, just crusing along, then suddenly BOOM! one of their members just goes away )
  9. No kill like a..... missile kill

    What will that do to the AIM-4D in game? (make it more useful or even worse?) I am at work right now so don't have the ini file to look at. :)
  10. It grows on ya. Or at least it did me. It's weirdness is part of it's charm.
  11. WINDOWS 7 32 bit upgrade to 64 Bit ?

    I am running 7 64-bit here at work and it's a great OS. (Vista was good to, those with problems with it must have been encountering the dreaded PEBKAC) I have not tried running any games on it though, so YMMV as far as that goes. However, that aside, when it comes to 'upgrading', don't do it. Call it 'conventional wisdom' if you will, but never upgrade (in place) any MS OS. Partly because in the past the upgrade installs have been messy, and mostly because Windows, of ANY vintage is innately messy and degrades over time (like any mechanical device), and from time to time needs to be rebuilt. (each iteration gets better, but it is not likely to ever go away entirely) So take the opportunity to avoid a (potentially) messy upgrade installation, and get your machine rebuilt all in one shot by just going with a clean install.
  12. No kill like a..... missile kill

    Awesome. What is your install? I haven't played with any 14 other than the A, so I don't recognize that one. The carrier battle group was awesome too (my install it's always the carrier all by itself). Pretty serious explosion effects as well. :)
  13. Consumer level drives are a commodity. As a Tech, and personally (even as a net admin when dealing with cheap (ie, entry level, aka consumer level) desktops), I have seen roughly equal life/reliability from all the major names - IBM, Maxtor, WD, Quantum, and Seagate. I've also known people in the industry that have jumped from type to type seeking more reliability and finding no real improvement.
  14. I have SF2:V, and have been slowly expanding the plane collection both directions (time-wise), and on the newer side, have added the MiG-23, Su-27, Su-27SM, Su-30 (2 versions, forget which now), and MiG-29 (25 and 31 as well). I've also added the F-14, 15, and 16 As. When I run a 1979 mission with the F-16, it puts me up against MiG-21MFs. Ditto going backwards in time as far back as '72 (might be different variants of the 21, but still 21s). When I take a MiG-29A German LW up, it puts me up against Su-27s. That was a pleasany surprise, and I did nothing to force that. I once took a MiG-31 up and forgot to change the service and accidentally ended up as a soviet, the game put me up against F-14s (with USAF written on the side ). Again, I was not expecting that and did nothing to force that. When I go up in Su-30s or Su-27SMs, I typically go as Ukrainian and the year is always mid to late 2000s (like 07 and such), and it puts me up against Su-27s as well. However, I've never run up against MiG-25s or MiG-23s, even though I have them installed (and have even used them to check them out). Anyone know how all that works? Is there some trick to getting planes to be selected, is there maybe a way to weight their selection, etc?
  15. Interesting. Wound be neat to take a look at that program. When I saw your request I wanted to tackle it for you, but just didn't have the time. I love doing stuff like that in VBScript and VB. Glad to hear you got something that works though. And it would sure be easier (for me) to use someone elses' than have to dive into it myself. :) Userlist and export commonality? Hmm... that's a good point that I hadn't thought of. Will have to look in to that. What has to be edited about the terrain? I had edited the F-14A to be available in '72 so that I could use it in the stock carrier landing mission, but I don't think they were in Vietnam. That's the only terrain I have (other than the Range), and the game has been digging into my list and using F-14s as USAF (rather than F-15s or even F-16s), and Su-27s as AI opposition even though it's all done on North Vietnam (from the Expansion Pack 2.0). Just want to make sure I make all the edits I'd need to. :)
  16. No kill like a..... missile kill

    Can't be any worse than the Aphid A or B or the Akalai. I've never once seen them track anything. The early Atoll isn't much better. I've managed about 25% success with the Atoll D, and about 65% with the R-77. (but come to think of it, I don't shoot at US planes if I can help it - I either pretend the Israeli's stole some Russian plane, or if it's late enough, I go as post-Soviet Ukraine. Maybe the Soviet designs just have low IR signatures? ) I don't think I've managed better than maybe 5% with the AIM-9B. Pretty much anything less than the H has been about worthless for me. The L is my favorite. Quick locking, all aspect, and accurate. I just love running hot straight toward someone coming right at me and hitting them in the face with a 9L. Hmm... come to think of it. When I take a Tomcat (A - that's all I have installed) in 78 against 21s, the 9L is a near sure thing. As are the Phoenix missiles, and the Sparrows... well.... sometimes they track, much of the time they just blow up about a thousand feet out and piss me off. lol (regardless of whether I take 7Es or E-2s) Yet... when I fly one mission I edited - was Su-30K vs Su-27 in 2007, I swapped out the 30 for F-14s for me, thinking the Phoenix would be the ace in the hole; I find that none of the missiles do very much. The Phoenix starts acting like a Sparrow (not tracking and blowing up pre-maturely), the Sparrows act like early 'Winders (going dumb and missing), and even the great 9Ls drop down to something like 30% hit rate. In fact, if a Flanker and Tomcat are in my FoV and I fire a 9L, it hits the Tomcat. Did that twice so far. )
  17. That doesn't really explain the loss of the A-6. Using an F in an A role doesn't make sense. Even with the AF's penchant for such things (F-105, "F"-111, etc), they still picked up some A-7s, and the A-10. To really get down and dirty with a lot of load and loiter time, you want good low speed performance (A-1, A-4, A-6, A-7, etc). Especially for SEAD missions. I just don't see how a fast mover can do the job as well as the EA-6. But, then again, politics and politicians making dumb decisions were repsonsible for that one too, so this isn't exactly a surprise either. (could almost be seen as some sort of anti-Grumman conspiracy.... the bastards! lol)
  18. It's not just you. I've noticed that too. And it's common among add-ons as well (from what I've seen in my install).
  19. Sorry, don't mean to hijack, but I just wanted to ask about this. I have the Feb 2010 patch installed and I can still target friendlies and their data shows up in the superimposed HUD display in the lower right-hand corner. I'm guessing you're referring to something else...?
  20. nVidia 197.13

    hehe, yeah. And not too much to ask, one would think.
  21. Happy Easter

    Happy Spring Festival. (the name, date, bunny, and eggs didn't come from thin air afterall )
  22. American girls > Israeli girls

    Yeah, that Russian you posted is hot for sure. But.... why not combine them? Ok, yes, she's a fictional character, and I have no idea what Claudia Christian really is (her ancestry), but she IS hot. And her character has a personality that just totally hooked me - an asskicker with intelligence and a deep (even maybe dark) sense of humor, buried deep down, as with a softer, gentler side, just waiting for the right person to draw it out. **ahem** .... anyway, now back to the thread.
  23. Can this work for the sun too? I've increased the size of my sun quite a bit to make it more reasonable, and it's most noticable near sunset. However, it burns through the dash board (I think even the plane itself from outside, but I can't recall right now, I've been testing stuff with weather set to clear at mid-day for the last week or 2). And if anyone knows of anyway to make the sun truly blind you, that would abso-freakin-lutely rock. (I just found out that even Strike Commander (from 1993) had that, when you looked at hte sun, everything was burned out - as it should be)
  24. I don't know for sure in Strike Fighters, but IRL, a softer spring (assuming equal length is required) will compress more, accomplishing what you are looking for. (typically you would go for a shorter but stiffer spring to compensate for the reduced travel, but there isn't a "cut X # of coils from spring" parameter here [and no, I would never advocate cutting springs on a car... just saying. lol])

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