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Everything posted by Jimbib

  1. Iran's latest....

    Note that this seems to be one of the old original F-5's, hence it still having the IIAF marking, as opposed to IRIAF.
  2. Civil Aviation

    I am quite partial to GA and Civil aviation, I like to spot the aircraft coming into Heathrow as I live underneath the flight path. My brother is an airworthiness records officer for Virgin there also, so he gets to see some of the more interesting civvies that fly in and park up outside the hangar he's in. Like has already been said, if it's got wings and it'll move.... EDIT: Nicky and Craig, make sure you get onto ukar.co.uk, there's a great civvy photography section there.
  3. Iran's latest....

    An old picture, but interesting nonetheless...
  4. Like Wrench said, a little bit of please and thank you goes a long way. It's just common courtesy.
  5. Swift would be a bad idea, a very bad idea indeed. Look up it's dire record of service history of the Supermarine Swift and you'll see what I mean. Something tells me that the TSR.2 would have had a much better life in service than the Swift.
  6. This has happened in the SF community a couple of times, although there are examples of the opposite happening in other sims, where payware later on becomes freeware, take Alpha Sim for example.
  7. Oky doke, was just thinking out loud here, would be cool to have this storming along low level in a gulf war conflict.
  8. Sounds good mate, to avoid the sinking, I guess you'll just have to pull off a full speed rotate like this... http://www.airliners.net/photo/UK---Air/BAC-TSR-2/0747978/L/ Thinking about that in fact, would it be possible to avoid the sinking by reporting all 4 main wheels in the gear section of the data.ini? Maybe the min-max extensions points might help to solve it. Not sure how this work, but would be cool to get done. Can then be implemented on similar aircraft, like the viggen.
  9. Looking good Craig, how did you manage to set up the gear so that they rotate upon hitting terra firma?
  10. Mega Poll: Greatest Rock Albums of All Time

    Guns n' Roses - Appetite for Destruction Queen - Night at the Opera Eric Clapton - Clapton Chronicles Thin Lizzy - Live and Dangerous Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik The other I would say is ZZ Top - Viva Las Vegas
  11. Due to the way that the .lod files are designed to be created, unfortunately they cannot be converted to another format once they have been made.
  12. A tip...

    For those semi-auto weapons which you want to be able to fire faster, asign the mousewheel scroll as the fire command, should give you some quite rapid fire. Works well on stuff like the G3, M14, pistols etc, not so good on snipes though.
  13. If you see the insignia on the fuselage on the second pic, you can see it's a Norweigan bird.
  14. I never usually use the templates released from TW for making new skins, rather make new high rez templates instead using them as a base. Panel lines and rivets are fairly easy to draw, especially when you already have some drawn out. There's some different ways to do that, I find that the path tool tends to be a good one.
  15. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    I once encountered Chuck Norris in an online game of Call of Duty 4, and even got lucky enough to pop a cap in his ass.... However as always, no man escapes Chuck Norris, really, no one. It says he killed me with a G36, not true, he did in fact round house me, and just after this screenie, I got a CTD due to the sheer power it hit me with. The moral of this story? Don't f*ck with Chuck. (even a virtual version)
  16. Good to see a fellow airbase builder round here.
  17. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    Where are you at in Bucks Coolhand, we have it at around £1.10 here in Slough at the moment.
  18. I've had this problem too a few times, DX is up to date, plenty of ram, graphics capapbility etc. Still haven't found a proper solution to the problem. Also, do you have any other TW sims installed? For me, when one sticks on the pre-mainscreen blackness, they all do. Usually when it happens, i bring up task manager, and end the peocess to get out of it. The weird thing is, there never seems to be an obvious reason for why it happens, no major graphics settings changes are made or anything.
  19. Sour !

    Nicky, have you tried sour skittles at all? All those bloody E numbers, ah well, what doesn't kill you....
  20. This has happened to me a couple of times, usually it solves itself by saving, closing, and then re-opening the file.
  21. Heavy Cargo

    Very nice Marc! New heavies are always a good thing
  22. Your Favorite Fish to Eat

    I am going with Ed on this one, I once had a Dorado in a beach restaurant on the south coast of Portugal, it tasted simply, just... amazing. Another one I like is seabass cooked in a salt crust with bay leaf and garlic.
  23. How's the magister coming along? So far, this looks like a great bird.
  24. Sounds good, a well annotated campaign will be a great feature.

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