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About Rodster

  1. I'm Confused What Is WOFF?

    One of the biggest problems for me with any flight sim is breaking the illusion of flying. For some reason MSCFS3 and OFF P3 did just that. I always get a certain amount of pausing when flying from left or right in either. It has to be code related and I hate that. I have no problems with other flight sims or racing games. If it's not a smooth FPS then I just move on. MS Flight Simulator is another badly coded, badly bloated and woefully unoptimized flight sim. I still have trouble spending top dollar when it's not something built from the ground up. Rise of Flight graphics wise destroys OFF/WOFF v1/v2
  2. I'm Confused What Is WOFF?

    I guess my problem with spending $75 on WOFF v1 and v2 is that it's based on an aging graphics platform. If the developers had created their own sim from the ground up it would be a little easier for me to spend the $75. It's a tough sell when it's not after spending $45 on OFF P3.
  3. I'm Confused What Is WOFF?

    "WOFF is only an update, in the sense that it is a new, very much improved payware version of the original freeware CFS3 World War 1 mod Over Flanders Fields and its payware successor, OFF 'Phase 4'. So is WOFF exactly the same as OFF P3 just with nicer graphics and enhanced AI? EDIT: I read your detailed review and it enhances OFF quite a bit. I do think the devs should have given a discount to previous owners.
  4. I purchased OFF P3 several years ago and thought the modders did an excellent job with an aging MSCFS3. I recently received an email regarding WOFF. I go to the devs website and I see WOFF v1.0 and a WOFF Expansion v2.0 but what gets me is that v1.0 is $30 and the update is $45 and you supposedly need v1.0 in order to install v2.0? So that's $75 for both, what gives? Then I come into this forum which has been awhile since my last visit and read that some have update OFF to WOFF? Huh !!!!? So is WOFF and update to OFF? Anyways, I hope someone can clear this up for me.

    Excellent work ! Will this require MSCFS3?
  6. I'm confused by the different packages out there and i'm not sure which I should get? So maybe you guys can make some recommendations. I went Real Environment Xtreme's website and that looks like a must own so I would love to build around that. The others I see by doing a Google search are Flight Environment X, Ground Environment X, Ultimate Night Environment, Ultimate Terrain X, Active Sky X, X Graphics, Aero Files Texture Booster, Ground Environment Extreme Enhanced. As you can see that's potentially a lot of money so I want to make FSX as nice looking as possible. My concern is one package might nullify another so as to make it redundant or even worse mess things up. I'm definitely buying Real Environment Xtreme but if you had the choice which ones would you get?
  7. One last question, is there a way to tell what version of CFS3 is on the DVD? I would prefer not to install CFS3 and just install OFF3.
  8. Thanks everyone. I found the perfect solution. Since i've already paid for both i'm going to try out the NATO mod on WOE and play the standard Campaign on SF2E.
  9. Thanks again Jonathan ! So should I install WOE? edit: I take it I need to install all 4 Nato mods?
  10. Thanks ! I take it the Nato Fighters 4 is the expansion for SF2E? Should I install Wings of Europe?
  11. Hey guys last year I purchased Wings over Europe from Amazon.com and I liked it so much I decided to buy the upgraded version, SF2E from Thirdwire. Are these two version exactly the same minus the graphics upgrade or are the campaigns different?
  12. Thank you MigBuster, worked like a charm.
  13. Any new Helo sims on the horizon?

    Thank you kind Sir !
  14. I read over at the DCS Black Shark forums that supposedly there's a new Apache combat sim in the works. I haven't seen any info but wanted to ask in case someone came across this info.
  15. Wow thanks, I totally forgot it was mentioned that with the DVD version you don't need to install CFS3. It just checks the disc for verification.

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