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About Mast

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    Denver, CO. USA
  1. Thanks for this update. On the Mirage 2000 D/N, you start out in the backseat. Is this an error or is there a key I need to hit to get to the pilot seat? Also are there any plans to include the Rafale single seat version? Again thanks! Mast
  2. I finally just uninstalled everything and did a clean install again. Figured it was the best way to go.
  3. This just started about a week ago but all of a sudden, certain effects & sound files just don't work. They used to work. I was flying the F-15E Strike Eagle (2004) and now the engine sounds doesn't work and the afterburner effect is gone too. I looked at the data ini files and everything looks correct. I looked at the effects and sound folder and they too have everything there. It's driving me up a wall. Has this happened to anybody else? This is in Strike Fighters 2: Europe and I have the NATO 4+ mod and KillerBees' weapons installed too. Now just today, the Mig-29 engine sound just stopped working. Good lord... guess it's time to do an uninstall of everything. Mast
  4. I downloaded the Rafale B addon which is very nice. I was wondering if anybody is working on the single seat versions, C and M models. I found some decent photos of the cockpit and what a unique looking cockpit it is. avions-militaries.net: Rafale cockpit Here's another link to a decent pic of the cockpit. Rafale cockpit This is not a request, I'm just curious. Thanks, Mast
  5. Ok... that did the trick! Made those changes and everything works. Thank you very much!
  6. Thanks again EricJ. I went and downloaded the SF1 version. So now I have 3 versions; the SF1 version, KillerBees version and the one you posted. What do the Meteor_Weapon.ini and MBDA Meteor.out do? These two files are not in your file but are in the SF1 file. I'm trying to figure this out as to why one set shows no Meteor, while the other shows the Meteor with no skin? I did notice the name change (MBDA Meteor vs. Meteor) between the two. I'm about to give up on this and just use the AMRAAM.
  7. Installed the 331Killerbee's SF2 Ordnance Shop Weapon Pack and now the Meteor missiles are black (better than nothing showing). It's not showing the included skin. Any help with this issue?
  8. Heya everybody, I downloaded and installed the Eurofighter Typhoon, looks fantastic in SF2 Europe. I wanted to get the IRIS-T and MBDA Meteor missiles also, so I downloaded the ones from SF1. I used the SF2 weapons editor to get them working. The IRIS-T shows up (on the Typhoon) but the Meteor missiles do not (stations 1-4 amraam stations). Is there a fix? Did I do something wrong? Also is the ASRAAM in game? I don't see it in the editor. Thanks for your time. Mast
  9. Ok, Here's a picture of what I'm talking about. So far, it's the only aircraft that's doing this. Mast
  10. Ah... ok, that explains it. Since I bought this last week from Third Wire's website, it comes already patched to Dec 2009. I should be happy that's the only aircraft with a messed up cockpit (so far).
  11. Hi USAFMTL, Thanks for the quick response. Yes, I installed NF4+ in SF2 Europe folder? It strange, the other Tornado cockpits are fine. My computer is fairly new (AMD Phenom II X4 955 processor 3.20 GHz with 8 GB of RAM, ATI Radeon HD 4890 video card) with Windows 7 Pro 64, so that should'nt be the problem. My in game screen resolution is 1920x1200 wide screen 16:10 (Samsung 24" widescreen monitor) for all SF2 sims. Should I install the NF4+ patch? The readme says I shouldn't (Dec 2009 update).
  12. Hi everybody, I purchased all 4 "Strike Fighters 2" sims last week. I then found the NATO 4+ mod here, the minute I saw it... had to install it. It's beautiful for sure. I've only flown a couple aircraft so far and found one graphics error. The Tornado GR1B cockpit is messed-up. I get one cockpit image over another. All other Tornados are fine. I spent all day yesterday (on and off) trying to find the NATO 4+ error/bug forum with no luck. Is there one? Sorry if this is in the wrong area but it's been driving me crazy trying to find the correct forum. This happens to be my first post, so I'm new here but not to flight sims. I played IL-2: Sturmovik series, LOMAC, Falcon 4, Wings Over Vietnam and Warbirds. Been playing "DCS:Blackshark" off and on. It all started with my Commodore 128 back in college, lol (showing my age). Thanks, Mast

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