Thanks Polovski for serious+helpfully reply! Remembering my 1. install running OFF whitout updates first---o.k, adding them later--o.k.
Last start after install. updates bevore, made those bugs ---crazy! ALL runs well again, I saved this advices in my selfcreated
"usermanual" in case of new errors.
One step forward !! After newinstall and using a wellworking CFS3.1a (clean) is shown after "Go to Field, Contact, Ready (eng.-start)------
"CFS3 works uncorrectly and must be closed"-------hmmmmm! CFS3+OFF are PAYWARE, both worked well 2 weeks ago-----CFS3 still.
I made NO changings anywhere, anyhow OFF failes. Is there any link to see needed config for CFS3.1a to use that addon again??
Uff---that's I want to avoid. Isn't it crazy---one time it works to copy files, later not? Other standalone-addons runs proper, only OFF shows those bugs !
I'll try another trick bevore newinstall, make 3 +++ !
Some weeks ago ALL works well. Now starting OFF (BHaH)and "go to field" again is schown:."......ConfigOveride.xml "doesn't exist. By first install I copied that file from CFS3---o.k. Trying same now---no way. Where can I get tis ...xml-file to get success? CFS3.1a runs whitout any problem.
After looking in "readme's" and absolving some flights there are no reactions by giving orders to wingmen. Doe they really work whithout radio, or are only copys from default CFS3-keycodes ? Think, in WW I maybe orders are given by gestics and are encluded in OFF---or not ?
....thanks, think I got it! Fewly made a copy of "CFS3-0verride XML" +added to OFF-folder---ALL runs well! Safely I'll add the shown updates,
happy landings!
Hi, after install.+ setting needed parts, clicking "field", error is shown ( => pic.). What's going wrong? Is new-install needed or can that missed file be added from otherwehre? System: Vista HP+SP2, CFS3.1a. By click "o.k." nothig happens many minutes!