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Everything posted by Javito1986

  1. Engine Manual Start

    MWA HA HAHA HA HAHAHA that did it. Lou you just saved my pilot, was able to start the engine again and return to my side of the line ;-)
  2. I am indeed using the new DM. That could well be it, I've seen other flamers that wandered around aimlessly and even seemed to continue flying. So, even if a flamer crashes it won't be counted as your kill unless you pump more bullets into it?
  3. I reviewed the mission in the Manager and it seems the Fokker never crashed after lighting on fire. But how in the world is that possible? I know sometimes you can have the flames doused, I've seen that happen more than once, but this guy was a bleeding inferno when I left him. Thick black smoke all over the sky, I know the difference between someone who's done for and otherwise. I ended up going into warp before the Fokker actually crashed, could that have something to do with it?

    I want to land in that village and go for a stroll
  5. This happen to anyone else? I recently shipped back my Gamefly games so I'm gearing up to return to my 80+hr pilot campaign. I flew a QC this morning, just a few circuits around the airfield to practice some maneuvering, and now I'm all ready to go... BUT I'M AFRAID OF DYING and find myself kinda putting it off. Or wanting to make a new redshirt pilot and sending him up. Yep, I'm officially not playing OFF because I'm afraid if I do my pilot will be killed. Which I know is silly. I have a patrol scheduled for this evening, have the RL time all set up for it, and there's no more excuses! Just gonna go up there, fly around, but if I see a Hun I swear I'm running away.
  6. Glad to see I'm not the only one who suffers from this affliction. I actually ended up flying two patrols this evening after making this post and didn't see any Huns on either one. Figures! Oh and @Hood, that one made me laugh out loud.
  7. What's the recommended AI Gun Range with these mods? Still 'easy'?
  8. I'm always craving a Pacific Air War sim as good as OFF. I've played the stuff in IL-2 but it just didn't do it for me. I'll always maintain that those Japanese aces were the best pilots in history. Sakai, Nishizawa, and others flew those Zeros like extensions of their own bodies. Things turned sour for them eventually, but the pre-Midway Japanese Air Force was really something to behold.
  9. I think that's the best OFF combat I've seen caught on video. Could use it to advertise!
  10. I demand photographs of your home library
  11. I ran into Jasta 11 and 2 in the same flight on a mission just southeast of Ypres some weeks ago. Those Jasta 11 pilots are terrifyingly skilled, it's a shock to see them in action when you're used to fighting the rank and file Huns. On their very first pass one of my wingmen's kite was turned into a smoking ruin. Wasn't a good day for me but you've gotta respect those guys. The Red Baron himself wasn't present I believe, lucky for the rest of us ;-)
  12. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    I caught this this morning on Hellshade's youtube feed. Looks fantastic HPW, I can't wait to try it out. Congratulations and thank you for your work
  13. Just got HitR and...WOW!

    Glad you so enjoy HitR. I myself can't even remember what OFF was like without it
  14. Customize Your Pilot Page

    How might I go about making one of those nifty IDs for my own RFC pilot? He's lived long enough to earn the honour surely
  15. Hullo! I picked up Battle for Normandy from Battlefront a few weeks ago and have spent the last week playing my first PBEM. Wonder if there's any others around here into that game and series? Would love to find some PBEM opponents from amongst my WW1 flying 'clique'
  16. P4 won't be released anytime soon. If you ever enjoyed Red Baron or Wings of Glory or any some such then Flanders Fields is the place for you. In no other flight sim will you find such exciting and authentic historical campaigns.
  17. OT-If you had a time machine

    I think it'd be fun to take samples of modern technology back to the Wright Brothers. Or hell, back to Archimedes in Roman times. I for one would love to see an example of tech 100 or 2000 years from now. It'd probably be wholly indecipherable to me but that's part of the fun. Sometimes when I mess with the iPhone 4 I just got I like to envision how a Roman farmer would react seeing a device like this and whether the concept could even begin to make sense to him.
  18. OT-If you had a time machine

    Awesome photograph! I'd love to visit Kalkriese, I know they have discovered many amazing artifacts there and have excavated what is believed to be the site of the Romans' failed final attempt to break through the Germanic lines. I do quite a lot of research into Roman history for my writing (although my specific era is mid Republican) but all this stuff fascinates me nonetheless. Teutoburg has fascinated me since I first started reading about it as a teen and discovered it is the specific reason for the divide between 'Latin' and 'German' Europe. It amazes me how one event and the actions of the individuals on both sides who caused it can have such a profound and long-lasting effect on the history of their entire continent.
  19. OT-If you had a time machine

    I'd go to the future to the days just before the sun turns into a red dwarf and fries the planet. I'd like to see what the earth is like at the end of its life cycle. If possible I'd come here to Madison and see my city a few billion years into the future. There'll be nothing left and probably everything would be buried deep underground compacted in billions of years of rock layers but it'd be nice to be in the same area just the same
  20. What makes a Hero?

    Even J.R.R. Tolkien, that profound admirer of Germanic myth and culture, began to reject it all during and after the Somme. It's not just hard, it's virtually impossible to appreciate the culture of people who bomb you, shoot at you, wound you, and kill all your friends. The Germans on the other end of the field weren't fond of the Tommies either I imagine. At least J.R.R. regained his composure and clarity of mind while he was recovering in the hospital, it's a part of the healing process I suspect. "At one point the vehicle became bogged down in the sand, so Upham coolly ordered some nearby Italian soldiers to push it free. Though they were somewhat surprised to be given an order by one of the enemy, Upham's expression left them in no doubt that he should be obeyed." I love things like this. They're just so crazy they could only be true. Reminds me of Band of Brothers when Spears ran through the German lines and back to link up with their sister company.
  21. Whenever I fly through clouds, and I always have the 'Cloud Fog' option turned on in the Workshop, I get a strange effect in which the mist appears on MOST of my screen but not all and has the appearance of a big rectangle. Bit of an immersion killer. I can post a screenshot if need be. I think this is from my having a widescreen monitor and having that option ticked in the Workshop. If I had a normal proportioned monitor the mist would look perfectly normal. I'm not very intelligent though and could easily be wrong. Can I do something to fix this? It's not in even the slightest bit a "problem", the game runs fine, it's just a minor annoyance I'd like to report on the off chance that I can do something about it.
  22. Sometimes the dice rolls schedule me to fly the noon or afternoon patrol, not the morning one. So I'll time advance from morning to noon but sometimes, randomly, it'll skip the entire day! I don't like that, feel like it's cheating. Why does it do this? It doesn't always, sometimes I can time advance from morning to noon or evening without any problem.

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