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thereg last won the day on January 14 2012

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About thereg

  1. View File VoiceAttack Profile for SF2 This is a basic profile for use in VoiceAttack so you can speak to your wingmen and squadron to command them instead of hitting keys - voiceattack does the pressing for you. All spoken phrases are fully editable within Voiceattack, so you can change any to whatever suits you, doesn't matter what you say, so long as it's in the profile and matches the programmed keypresses. Makes the game a little more immersive and fun. But it won't make your wingmen actually obey the commands any more than usual The separate Voiceattack program is required, but only costs a small fee to buy. Submitter thereg Submitted 06/05/2022 Category Joystick Config Files  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This is a basic profile for use in VoiceAttack so you can speak to your wingmen and squadron to command them instead of hitting keys - voiceattack does the pressing for you. All spoken phrases are fully editable within Voiceattack, so you can change any to whatever suits you, doesn't matter what you say, so long as it's in the profile and matches the programmed keypresses. Makes the game a little more immersive and fun. But it won't make your wingmen actually obey the commands any more than usual The separate Voiceattack program is required, but only costs a small fee to buy.
  3. Windows 10? Ever since I moved to W10 SF2 doesn't like any of my controllers. I use an X-52 with pedals from a G-27 racing setup and a custom button box. Setting the controls ingame simply does not work anymore. Everything gets scrambled. The only method that works for me is to open the control file and type in the various assignments manually, then set the file to 'Read Only' so the game doesn't screw it up next time it runs.
  4. Just did a long overdue backup of my install and mods and can say for sure that Avast picks on 3 files in the main install folder. GroundObject.dll - from the Object folder EasyAvionics.dll - from the Flight folder MissionEditor.dll - from the Menu folder These are the ones to set to exclude in advance to avoid crashes when the game tries to use them.
  5. I don't know about any files other than the groundobject.dll, that was the only one avast took out for me. So long as you restore it and add to the exclusion list, it should be good. I guess a new virus definition from the latest avast updates is responsible for a false positive.
  6. Then right click on the entry for the GroundObject.dll and select 'add to exclusion and restore' Make sure the file is back where it should be first, then delete it from the chest (I didn't do this the first time and it quarantined it again)
  7. Open the UI. Go to 'Scan' and at the bottom of the main window is the Quarantine (Virus Chest) Click that. This is using the newest version of the UI
  8. Solved it. Check here http://combatace.com/topic/80293-and-so-sf2-decided-to-crash/page-2
  9. Checked Avast virus chest. It has taken GroundObject.dll from the Strike Fighters folder. Added it to the exclusion list and restored it. Then emptied the virus chest. Sorted. Now back in action.
  10. Still no joy after deactivating the protection programs. Also tried an old backup from 2012 patch level and no good.
  11. After reading this, I checked my installs and I have the crashes too. Sometimes on 40%, sometimes just clicking accept for a single mission. Happens with and without the mod folder active. Full 5 merged install. W7 x64 Ultimate Using Comodo firewall and Avast AV The only Windows update in the last few days was a windows defender update. Will try with the AV off and see what happens.
  12. I haven't tested it much, but when I was making my own campaign based off Spectre's modern Korea but for the new Korea map by Wrench, I was losing early when my carriers were sunk, or when the North Korean ships were sunk. When I changed the Intelligence level for all the Task Forces to 0 (stopping the all out air assaults on ships by both sides) the campaign goes on as planned.
  13. Could be related to your naval units. With NavalCampaign if yours or the enemy's ships are all sunk the campaign is over.

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