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Everything posted by krfrge

  1. Somewhere in the South China Sea area. A different gunship.
  2. All, Sorry this is coming along slowly. Was having issues converting the C-160 skin and stumbled across the post regarding an AC-160. Just dabbling with this currently using the AC-130 (early) gunpod.
  3. leodagan76,I didnt see an IsraelME_Targets.ini. Your IsraelME_Types.ini looks goo. For the objects to work they have to be added by hand into the terrain_target.ini file, meaning you have to choose which airfield you want to add these items to. Krfrge
  4. I know this sounds crazy but what if you adjusted the below entries into "negatives". \\Original\\ MaxPitch=50 MinPitch=5 DefaultPitchAngle=10 \\New entries\\ MaxPitch=-50 MinPitch=-5 DefaultPitchAngle=-10
  5. FlightLine Objects Pack 1

    331KillerBee, A great collection of items to spruce up the airfields. Many Thanks
  6. All, The work contiues. (Base Camp work) Sorry for the long delays..."Real Life"
  7. Malaysian Visitors All, The more I get into this terrain the more I want to make it a real treat for all. To those contributors: "The" Wrench, White Boy Samuari, angelp, Geezer, Wingwiner, Pasko, eburger, PureBlue, EricJ, Stratos, Gepard, and all the numrous others. Many Thanks Krfrge (Dec 2015)
  8. Geezer, Really nice work on these terrain objects. Krfrge
  9. angelp, Hi and thanks for this ship and the "gifts" I've sent you a PM. Kindest regards Krfrge
  10. angelp and WhiteBoySamurai, Wow! Thanks so much for this great addition. Kindest regards Krfrge
  11. angelp, Very nice. Please keep up the great work. Kindest regards
  12. Superior work by an exceptional modder. Get well soon. Kindest regards
  13. jeanba, You have to add the airifield to the city list. Once added set the dimensions to 5x5km or 6x6km to "flatten" the airfield. Also click on the Airfield checkbox so the Terrain Engine recognizes the airfield. Krfrge
  14. charlielima, Yes I was thinking on that. My thought was to use the LST MkI as the stand-in for the USS Harnett County. --Late Afternoon Update-- Comments/suggestions welcome. I repainting a LST MKI for the shoal. Krfrge
  15. Folks, Minor issue with the water. I cant seem to get the bows below the waterline. Here are my settings from the PI_Data.ini [HeightField] DetailScale=20.0 DetailFrequency=1.0 MaxHeight=1000 MinHeight=0 [HeightOffset] LowDetailMesh=-1.0 WaterMesh=0.8
  16. Wrench, I owe it all to you. I have learned much from you over the years. Kidest regards - Krfrge

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