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Everything posted by krfrge

  1. @macelena - I hate when that happens @daddyairplanes - will do
  2. Stratos, The trees arent coorperating like I would like. Will continue my efforts.
  3. Stratos, I have viewed your posting and will see about adding in the trees. I believe there is a 12.7mm AA pit from a WoV mod that was done a while back. I also built a newer smaller airstrip this morning that may be more to your liking. Thats an OV-10 on the airstrip.
  4. Stratos, Initially I built it as eye candy. I didnt have it set as an airfield but I could land and take off from it. I left this project as is a long time ago but will start to rework it. Krfrge
  5. Gerwin, Thank you again for this great tool. I certainly appreciate your "adjustments". Kindest regards Krfrge
  6. Stratos, At one time I was thinking a similar thought. I believe Wrench created a South/Central American terrain that you could use for a COIN environment. My thoughts are it may be possible. I think you would have to modify the terrain_types.ini in order to limit ZSU-23's from showing up. Here are my thoughts on COIN aircraft. Some are old birds that would be good for 1960's-1980's, while others are better sutied for more modern day COIN. A-109 A-1H AC-47 / C-47 AC-119 series AC-130 series AN-2 CH-47 AT-6 series BO 105 C-130 series C-172 C-160 Cessna 180 Gazelle A1 H-34 Hawk 127 IA-58 Pucara MD-500 series MH-60 series Mi-8 / Mi-17 MQ-1 / MQ-9 O-1 OV-10 series P-3 PC-9A Sa 341 SH-3 T-28 Twin Otter UH-1 / UH-60 I played around with a hasty airstrip that I created using one of the ground plates from Mitch's Factory but it needs work.
  7. Gerwin, That is corrrect. I have 68 movement routes (GROUND_ATTACK, SHIPPPING, TRUCK) but it only draws 63 routes. I've checked and none of the routes overlay one another so I am not sure what the issue could be. I will keep testing to see if the new routes become avaiable during flights and will let you know. Thank you. Krfrge
  8. Update of chemo treatment and other things

    Falcon, Its good to hear of your progress. Stay strong
  9. Gerwin, Is there a limitation on the number of movement.ini the Tool can display?
  10. What lurks in the shadows? Out flying in the AC-119K Stinger over a modified India terrain using Stary's tiles and a modified moutnaintop tile. This is a big area to fly. I get a lot of inspiration from all the hardworking folks here at Combat Ace!
  11. See if this might help. Make sure all the weapons you want to add are loaded into the Wings Over Europe\GROUND OBJECTS\WEAPONS folder. Open the weaponsdata.INI from the weapons pack with "Notepad" and copy those entries into the weaponsdata.INI in the WEAPONS folder. Open the Weapon Editor, go the weapons folder, select the weaponsdata.INI from your WEAPONS folder, you should see all of the weapons. Double click the very last weapons entry, it should open up that weapon. Once that weapon opens, click "OK". Then click "SAVE". Then click "CLOSE". Your weapons should now be present for use.
  12. Gerwin, Is there a way to have the tool adjust the height in a single increment? For example you are placing an airfield on a tile that has a range between 4 and 13 and you want to set the height of the tile at 7. Thank you Krfrge
  13. Rends, 0.25 means the lights are on for a quarter of the day (mainly night). 0.50 means the lights are on for half of the day. 1.0 means the lights are always on. Krfrge
  14. YO!

    That is an excellent report. Keep up the positive attitude.
  15. Wrench, Sorry about the reference regarding the other site.
  16. Rends, There was an AN-22 somewhere with an Aeroflot skin. Also at Capun's site there was an AN-24 Coke with Aerflot skin.
  17. Misty FAC, Open up the UH-60_DATA.ini and scroll until you find the Canopy entries. The below is what I am using and I have had no issue with the doors remaining open during flight. [Canopy] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_SPEED Setting[1].Angle=30.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=5.0 Setting[1].RetractValue=10.0 MaxDeflection=30.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.5 AnimationID=6
  18. Another update.

    Keep up the awesome attitude
  19. Update of my treatment

    Excellent report. Stay strong.
  20. Yes you can adjust the border by editing the TerrainXXX_Movement.INI When you open this file the first thing you shoudl see are the location of the 2 priarmy (Frendly, Enenmy) airfields. just below that entry should be a grouping of coordinates that create the "Red" line. See below example. [FrontLine] FriendlyBase=England Airforce Base EnemyBase=Eglin Airfield Position[001]=000000.000,807000.000 Position[002]=269000.000,815000.000 Position[003]=525000.000,831000.000 Position[004]=653000.000,779000.000 Position[005]=789000.000,783000.000 Position[006]=809000.000,785000.000 Position[007]=849000.000,815000.000 Position[008]=877000.000,817000.000 Position[009]=961000.000,851000.000 Position[010]=1059000.000,957000.000 Position[011]=1600000.000,1003000.000 StartShow=1 EndShow=11
  21. JinXen84, Do you see a sub-folder in the OBJECTS folder called Weapons? The weaponsdata.ini could have been extracted to that location.

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