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Everything posted by krfrge

  1. Hi Norm, Yes there is a way to fire. Make sure you have the weapons loaded with the current gun / weapon editors. Select the weapon as you normally do on any other A/C and press the SPACEBAR to fire. That should do the trick.
  2. Hi, This is my method. When you discover the target you want to go after, off set the A/C about .25 to .5 miles to the right of that target, stay around 1700-2200 Ft AGL, keep your speed around 170 and go into a gentle left bank circling the target.
  3. First off, I am unable to create any aircrew. Has anyone created a few aircrew members for cargo aircraft?
  4. Hi Monty, To upgrade the range of the 7.62 mini-guns you will have to edit the gundata. [GunData064] TypeName=7.62MM_M134 FullName=7.62mm M134 MiniGun Caliber=7.620000 ROF=6000.000000 MuzzleVel=10000.000000 AmmoWt=0.007000 WarheadWt=0.000000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=70.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=2000.000000 FireColor=0.500000,0.450000,0.320000 GunFireEffect=20mmFireEffect GunFireSound=Vulcan EffectClassName=20mmEffects EffectTime=0.050000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.150000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.015000 MaxVisibleDist=2000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE
  5. Superb work! Thanks for your efforts
  6. Swambast, Without question this is superb work. This will truly make object placement much much easier than in the past, especially if you are trying to build new targets such as airfields. Thank you for all of your hard work. KRFRGE
  7. Here are some very rough works. All SFP1/WoE/WoV compatible Terrain Centra - 1000km area including basically American Northeast and a part of Canada. Uses stock SFP1 tiles Airfields Three fictional "blue" airfields with accompanying airfield lights. Uses comrpnt's Airfield Lights. Target Areas Basically some infantry company / battalion sized areas (I am no Wrench when it comes to his masterful targets) Campaign Centra - Begins in 1967. Fictional North Centra occupies Monogohelia Territory. South Centra requests US assistance and goes on offensive to expel N Centra and Soviet forces. (Same problem as JA 37 Viggen, cant figure out what is causing a stream error message on the nodes while using DCE (Dynamic Campaign Editor))
  8. Hi, I have built some road tiles using PS. Are you making sure the tile is not multiple layered. Usually when I build a road tile. I do what you have described and then use Crtl-E to bring it all into a single layer. I save the tile as a 24-bit tile bmp.
  9. Buddha, Let me see if I can offer additional assistance. Here are some screen shots that may provide you some help in getting your terrain to work in Le Missioneur. Screen #1 You can see I have Cyprus loaded in the Terrain folder with all of the necessary files. Cyprus.ini Cyprus_data.ini Cyprus_dogfight.ini Cyprus_movement.ini Cyprus_nations.ini Cyprus_targets.ini Cyprus_Types.ini Planningmaps 1,2 and 3. Screen #2 If these are present you should be able to start Le Missioneur, select the terrauin and see Planningmap1.bmp Screen #3 You speak about adding ships and ground objects, are these items loaded into your Terrain_Types.ini file? If they arent a part of the stock program they need to be loaded into the terrain_types.ini file. You can use notepad to open the ini file. Lets say you want to add a tank, click the tank icon and you should get a dialog box that offers you ground vehicles. Hope this helps KRFRGE
  10. Lindr, Great work! Happy New Year to you
  11. Welcome to the forum. Both programs are excellent planning tools. When you created your terrain, did you create planning maps for your specific terrain? Also do you have the HFD and TFD files for your terrain? That could cause the error message you have received. Make sure you have the following files in the specific terrain folder, (for example say the terrain is named Parumph) Parumph.ini Parumph_data.ini Parumph_dogfight.ini Parumph_movement.ini Parumph_nations.ini Parumph_tagrgets.ini Parumph_types.ini
  12. Hi pfunk, I am guessing the mobile SAMs you are speaking of are the SA-3 and SA-6. Here is my detect and weapon data from the SA-3 Mobile Launcher [DetectSystem] TargetType=AIR RadarSearchTime=2.0 RadarSearchRange=60000.0 RadarSearchStrength=80 RadarTrackTime=20.0 RadarTrackRange=60000.0 RadarTrackStrength=75 RadarPosition=0.0,0.0,3.30 DataLink=TRUE OpticalSight=TRUE NightSight=TRUE VisualRange=2000.0 ViewportPosition=0.0,0.0,2.30 MaxVisibleDistance=8000.0 RadarCrossSection=100 NetworkType=SA-3 [WeaponSystem] TargetType=AIR MissileRange=12000.000000 MinMissileRange=500.000000 PitchAngleRate=5 MaxPitch=75 MinPitch=0 DefaultPitchAngle=45 YawAngleRate=30 YawLimited=FALSE MinYaw= MaxYaw= DefaultYawAngle=0 MissileLaunchTime=15 YawModelNodeName=Turret PitchModelNodeName=Rails
  13. Check in the download section. Some folks use Kreelin's mission editor or Le Missionneur
  14. My Grandfather has passed.....

    Sakai, Sounds like he was a fine gentlemen. I am sure he is resting now. My condolences to you.
  15. Amazing work! Thank you Polak and Swambast for your efforts. A tool such as this would be extremely beneficial in the future development/placement of targets.
  16. Hi, I do not claim to have the talent of those that have posted above but I do believe some type of forum would help the terrain community. Much of what I know, I learned from seeing what others are working on and their techniques they graciously share. I for one would certainly want to participate.
  17. Hi, If you created the *.bmp, just place that file in the terrain folder and use the import Height bitmap. That should give you the new map you are looking for.
  18. Hi, Check the start dates of your mission. If it is after the service end date of the missile, launcher,etc. it probably wouldn't show up. Just so I am tracking, you have a Nike Ajax Launcher folder and a Nike Ajax HIPAR folder?
  19. Calling all modders. What program do you use to create your work? I have heard about 3ds Max and thats way our of my $$ range. I am trying to modify the GFD-12 Hardened Hangar by opening the front blast doors. Thanks

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