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Everything posted by krfrge

  1. Try setting the compatibility to Win95.
  2. Great job. Thanks to you and MontyCZ for all of your efforts!
  3. Pfunk, While I am no expert, I will tell you that Brain32 is on the mark. What you can do is run the TE program. It will create a height map. Export that map and call it XXX_Height.bmp. (The XXX being the terrain name). Then use PS or GIMP to paint the river in. If the terrain is really hilly / mountainous that will require some additonal painting of terrain along the river to lessen the sudden drop in elevation.
  4. Pfunk, Hi. If you use the bucket to "paint" an area, it will attempt to repaint the tile you have selected plus any similar tile that is physically touching the tile you selected. An example. Lets say you have created some new city tiles. You can replace all the city tiles in of a specific location by using the bucket.
  5. Happy Turkey Day

    To you as well.
  6. Baltika, What if we painted over the area to the west that has water and reset the water level to 650m like you mentioned. Do you think that might work?
  7. Would you like for me to try to work up the HFD file for this project?
  8. All, I am showing the map to be 500x500.
  9. All, Is this what you are looking for?
  10. WombRadier, I am not a terrain expert (Gepard does fantastic work) but I recommend you get a copy of Terrain Editor. Load up the terrain files ***.HFD & ***.TFD. Go to EDIT, select smooth height field and then select level airbase. That should solve the problem. KRFRGE
  11. Pfunk, Are you asking if they will fire while moving? I have not had any success.
  12. Terrain Folks et al, I am in a fix here. I have gone thru the KB to figure out what is causing this problem but can't seem to find an answer. This terrain uses the standard SFP1 tiles. It is a 1000km area. I am using SPF1, not patched up to the October '08 standard. Can anyone offer some suggestions. Many thanks KRFRGE
  13. Wrench and gumpy, Thanks for your help. I am trying both suggestions to see what can be done to fix this problem. When I used TE I got a complete map that did not appear to have any missing tiles. I will let you know how this progresses. Thanks - KRFRGE
  14. Nice work. I can really "feel" the humidity with the Huey comin' in!
  15. Snapper 21, I am no expert but somewhere here, I read you can only use 4 cargo ships. As far as troops, tanks, trucks, etc the sky seems to be the limit.
  16. Folks, Looks like my C130 is sunk. Any ideas how I can fix this? Thanks
  17. Wrench, Now why did you have to let the cat out of the bag about the secret elevators??!!
  18. Sorry about that. Yes this and several other static models are sunk on the airfield. I am rechecking the files to male sure everything is pointing in the right direction.
  19. Thanks for the answers. FastCargo - Well this is one i will have to work on far a while. I made a copy of the stock C-130 as a static a/c. Stick - O get the same thing with my Static AN-12. Will keep all advised.
  20. Hi Check the Knowledge Base. I saw something there this weekend covering this subject.
  21. Sorry for a late answer but try using the SFP1 #s. If that doesn't fix the problem, try this: [HeightOffset] NonTexturedMesh=-4.0 TexturedMesh=-2.4

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