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Everything posted by krfrge

  1. I would offer you what was offered to me. Extract the flightengine.ini and tweak the far clip distance. That seems to do the trick. Also check you terrain_data.ini This is taken from SFP1 [TerrainMesh] TextureThreshold=0.80 LowDetailMeshThreshold=0.50 MedDetailMeshThreshold=0.30 TileToHeightGridRatio=4 RenderMeshVertexCount=4096 RenderMeshIndexCount=6144 SolidObjectVertexCount=4096 SolidObjectIndexCount=6144 AlphaObjectVertexCount=2048 AlphaObjectIndexCount=3072 [HeightField] DetailScale=10.0 DetailFrequency=1.0 MaxHeight=1000 MinHeight=0 [HeightOffset] NonTexturedMesh=-10.0 TexturedMesh=-5.0 DetailedMesh=0.0
  2. To the terrain guru's out there. I have been building some terrains but have come across this problem (See screenshot). Any ideas on what would cause this border affect? I have dug thru the KB but didnt find anything. Thanks KRFRGE
  3. Thanks Gepard! I fly SFP1. I am building an East Coast terrain. BTW your work is most excellent.
  4. Trust me, we all have seen it and are waiting for it to go into full production. Probably'll be out in two weeks!
  5. Great for use during Coalition Operations "What if" AN-12F fueler
  6. Sorry about that on the pic. The city was left as is, the airfield was flattened.
  7. Hi WingZero, I am not familiar with the project you are working on but offer the following. Do you have all the coastal city files? Do they include transition files that show a change from the city to the coast? The textures should be something like this; City City2Coast25 City2Coast50 City2Coast75 I would also tell you to check the water altitude settings in the Terrain Editor (TE). Best of luck
  8. All, I am experiencing some problems with ground objects. I have SFP1, patched up to latest patch. I adjusted each ground object according to the new standard. (example) [GroundObjectData] ObjectFullName=2S6 Tunguska ObjectDataFile=2S6_data.ini When I select a CAS mission on stock desert terrain I fly out to the target area and find buildings that are substituting for a tank, APC, etc. This will occur on both freindly and enemy sides. Sometimes, I will find a hardened shelter vs. a radio tower. Any ideas on how to fix this problem?
  9. Amazingly, the radio towers "stood their ground"!
  10. Wrench, That did the trick. Everything is back to normal. No more RadioTowers fighting T-62's. Thanks for the superb assistance. KRFRGE
  11. Folks, The problem seems to be fixed. I adjusted the XXX_data.ini files of my groundobject units (BRDM, M113, BTR, etc.) I still get the GFD-12 Hardened Hangar and a few others that will show up for the fight. (Here are my settings for the hangar) [MissionData] NationName= ServiceStartYear=1955 ServiceEndYear=2100 GroundObjectRole=HANGAR Availability=VERY_COMMON Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1956 ExportAvailability=VERY_COMMON Overall, I appreciate The Wrench and Fubar512's help. As always, I greatly appreciate the assistance. Kindest regards - KRFRGE
  12. Wrench, I was using the stock desert map from SFP1. I will go back and adjust the data ini.s to TANK" Thanks for the help. I will let you know what happens.
  13. Well,,, the problem is with these CAS missions is they are game generated.
  14. Well you are a fabulous contributor to this forum and as I suspect, many of the workers here need some rest. Best to you!
  15. Sept 11th 2001

  16. Why not pull up the old Red Wings Campaign? That would allow you to fly for the Red side.
  17. Congratulations are in Order

  18. Well I for one thought it was pretty amazing when he release the first weapons pack. Dave you did a superb job. Thanks.
  19. My Hat's Off to you! Wow does'nt do the bone justice. I echo the previous comments on the cockpit,,,,, simply fantastic.
  20. Wow! Super job. I certainly appreciate all of the hard work that went into producing this great a/c.
  21. Sorry to disrupt with this question but,,, would the knowledge base have details on "how to" concerning river tile placement? Thanks

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