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Everything posted by krfrge

  1. Look's great. Wish I knew how to do what you've done but it escapes me.
  2. I would recommend that you view the map of where you are fighting. Get the grids of where you want the ships to show up on the ocean / sea. Just plug those grids in. Same for the attack and trucking.
  3. Here is what I offer to you. Open Your_terrain_movement.ini file It should look something like this [FrontLine] <------------------------------ This will produce the line of demarcation between the two forces FriendlyBase=Your Firendly Base Name EnemyBase=Your Enemy Base Name Position[001]=427000.000,717000.000 <--- This is where the line begins Position[002]=397000.000,581500.000 <----Points along the map Position[003]=458000.000,552000.000 <----Points along the map Position[004]=461000.000,441000.000 <----Points along the map Position[005]=418000.000,355500.000 <----Points along the map Position[006]=421000.000,315000.000 <----Points along the map Position[007]=539000.000,203500.000 <----Points along the map Position[008]=447000.000,174500.000 <----Points along the map Position[009]=436000.000,16500.000 <--- This is where the line ends StartShow=1 EndShow=9 [Route001] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Nearest Freindly or Enemy Base (Really doesnt matter) EndArea=Nearest Freindly or Enemy Base (Really doesnt matter) RoutePosition[001]=138000,808000 <- Where you want the ships to start RoutePosition[002]=225000,812000 RoutePosition[003]=424000,858000 RoutePosition[004]=148000,730000 <- Where you want the ships to stop [Route002] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Nearest Freindly or Enemy Base (Really doesnt matter) EndArea=Nearest Freindly or Enemy Base (Really doesnt matter) RoutePosition[001]=387000,512000 <- Where you want the ground attacks to start RoutePosition[002]=505000,512000 <- Where you want the ground attacks to stop [Route003] RouteType=TRUCK StartArea=Nearest Freindly or Enemy Base (Really doesnt matter) EndArea=Nearest Freindly or Enemy Base (Really doesnt matter) RoutePosition[001]=385000,191000 <- Where you want the vehicles to start RoutePosition[002]=333000,707000 <- Where you want the vehicles to stop Hope this helps KRFRGE
  4. Wow, thanks for that tip. I've learned something today.
  5. Sidewinder You should see the tower in the center of the target grid you set. Using the example below: [TargetArea161] Name=Radio CuDajo Position=189500.000000,341000.000000 <---- These are the "target grids" where the Radio Tower will show up Radius=500.000 ActiveYear=0 Location=2 Alignment=ENEMY Target[001].Type=amRadioTower Target[001].Offset=-150,0 <---- The offset, from what I can tell, is based on dead center of the target grid you pick Target[001].Heading=45 Hope I have helped.
  6. Try this techinique. Add the 2 files you downloaded to the terrain file you want to have the tower appear in, then create (use Notepad) the .ini file For the target file try this: [TargetArea161] Name=Radio CuDajo Position=189500.000000,341000.000000 Radius=500.000 ActiveYear=0 Location=2 Alignment=ENEMY Target[001].Type=amRadioTower Target[001].Offset=-150,0 Target[001].Heading=45
  7. How do I model ground objects such as airfields?

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