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Everything posted by DWCAce

  1. Are we talking a two circle or one circle fight?
  2. I read that they are also looking to purchase about 72 UH-60's as well.
  3. OMFG, WTFO?!?!?! http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2010/10/08/letter-president-regarding-export-waiver-china
  4. Best Video Promo Ever

  5. m61d.jpg

    Gun for a Hornet? YUCK!
  6. Another Hero passes away

    My condolences on your loss, for a loss of a hero.
  7. IMG_8361.jpg

    From the album 31 July

  8. Hopefully becoming a 'Ramp Rat'

    Yup, I'm and the OTHER Manchester. Servisair and Swissport are major players in the ground handling of a/c these days. My company is the sole on airport provider of fuel, and we provide primary de-icing for some of the airlines & all GA, and backup de-icing for everyone. We our ground handling, as far as airlines go, is limited to when we have military and civil (mostly casino) charters. I'm a training specialist that spends most of the time fueling, supervising, deicing, and not enough time in the office (there's always paperwork!). Let me know if you have any questions! Jon
  9. Pretty neat. As a history buff that's a cool find!
  10. Hopefully becoming a 'Ramp Rat'

    Nothing like working the ramp. Though I'd say work for an airline so you can get some flight benefits!
  11. (photo courtesy of NMUSAF) Construction of new Air Force Museum building could start in 2012 BY: JOHN NOLAN , DAYTON DAILY NEWS 10/04/2010 WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE — Construction of a building to house the spacecraft collection and former presidential aircraft at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force could start in 2012 if fundraising stays on track, museum officials said Monday. That 200,000-square-foot building would house a retired space shuttle, if the Air Force museum is ultimately awarded one by NASA for permanent display. It would also house the museum’s seven former Air Force aircraft dubbed “Air Force Ones” that carried U.S. presidents. NASA may not announce until summer 2011 which contenders will be awarded the retired shuttles because of a revamped schedule for the orbiters that will have them flying well into 2011, said museum director Charles Metcalf and U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, who visited the museum Monday. The government previously had planned to retire the shuttle fleet this year. NASA has already said it plans to award a shuttle to the Smithsonian Institution for its National Air and Space Museum. The Air Force, which helped bring the shuttle into existence, has formally requested one for the Air Force museum. Other contenders include the Johnson Space Center, Houston, and Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Brown said he has been lobbying NASA in behalf of the Air Force museum. The Air Force Museum Foundation, which raises money for the Air Force museum’s needs, has raised $18.6 million toward an initial goal of $25 million that would be enough to construct a basic building to house the spacecraft and aircraft, museum officials said Monday. The foundation estimates it would need to raise an additional $17 million to fit out the building for opening to the public and for outside parking lots, sidewalks and landscaping. Museum officials are hoping the foundation will transfer an initial $175,000 within the next week or two for the start of design and environmental studies for the new building, said Dan Dobbyn, chief of the museum’s operations division. Plans are to heat and cool it with a geothermal system that would make use of ground water, Metcalf said. It costs about $750,000 annually to heat and cool the museum’s three hangar-style, existing buildings, which is second only to payroll among the museum’s biggest expenses, he said. U.S. Air Force AIM Points
  12. USAF Looks To Expand NMUSAF

    It looks like they want to put the space flight and presidential collections into the new hangar.
  13. IMG_7226.JPG

    From the album 27 July

  14. Looks like we'll have another EXCELLENT DEL-ivery soon!
  15. Christopher Titus

    I love hearing him on the XM. I vaguely remember his show.
  16. Getting Laid Off

    Good luck and 'Hold Fast'!
  17. A6 Intruder?

    Also, the EF/A-18G is the 'Growler'. The USN Prowlers will be going away over the next few years, while the USMC is slated to keep theirs a while longer. Note on GE, those dates aren't always accurate.
  18. Line Up and Wait

    Time for us all to go back to kindergarten...
  19. Another Hollywood Legend gone!

    "Operation Petticoat"
  20. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

  21. Ft Bliss Shooting


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