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Posts posted by Trotski

  1. No multi player, therefore not toxicity ( Rust and EvE for example) great dev support, when there is an issue they are on it like a rash. the campaign is great, although, early war recces were done by single, or a flight of 2 aircraft, not a whole flight, so really that needs to be corrected, but that is a very minor gripe. the graphics, considering this is based on a pretty old engine, are superb, the fact that modding is allowed, or even encouraged, is brilliant. So over all one of the best, flight sims around, up there with the likes of DCS, and other high end Flight Simulators. 

  2. That about sums it up methinks, its all about the direct x , not the actual OS, which as I said before is not an issue anyhow, as to whether the sim will operate after the next update to the standing OS, I doubt that somehow, as the OS is pretty much setup so any updates will not change the way programmes operate using Win 10. Of course there is a slim chance of that being the case, the fact remains TK is twatting about like a fanny in a trance, dangling the proverbial carrot, I have zero patience with the guy, no matter how nice a chap he may be, his business acumen leaves a little to be desired. in myopinion of course, I dont expect anyone to agree slavishly with my views, I'm afraid I am too old and too damn ugly to buy into any of his pissing about, as for the suggestion he was just trying to make a few bucks by re selling the same product in a new wrapper, I hate to say it, but I believe that to be the case. Very shady if ya ask me.

    • Like 2

  3. The whole discussion about a win 10 version is rather academic, as the sim functions totally fine on Win 10 already. So look at it this way, you wont be splashing out your hard earned dosh on a not really necessary update. As for the TK apologists, and how the poor dear is struggling, couldn't really give two hoots, if, as has been suggested, he worked with the community, and he has been totally absent in that regard, and engage with the folk on Discord, where a grand trumpeting, and hoo ha about was made, but does he ?...errr no.....so TK is like a spoiled brat, who knows his toy is broken, but wont ask for help, or, abandon it totally. Thus, he keeps everone hanging on tenterhooks, awaiting the great day when all will be well, and everything will be rainbows and fluffy kittens......Well news flash dudes, it aint gonna happen, TK is a pillock, end of story.

    • Like 3

  4. Cracking bit of film, superb calrity as well, considering its age, I must admit I had never seen the mud scrapers before, must have been a Jasta upgrade, as the Caudron has them too. I had to giggle when later in the film they were showing Sturmtruppen doing their thing, and the were climbing a muddy bank , and one of the Huns took a tumble arse over tit.....made me guffaw some did that.

  5. no on the BE2 the mount for the observer, who stupidly was in front of the pilot , and therefore couldn't hit jack shit, was a Strange mount designed by Captain L.A. Strange from 10 Squadron RFC. and it was basically a ratcheted l bracket mounted half way between the front and rear cockpits, some BE's also had a mount on the interplane strut to the observers right or left hand side, and the Lewis could be lifted off the strange mount and mounted on this alternative one, still really more of a morale boosting exercise rather than a practical and effective system. Quirks never had Scarff rings to the best of my knowledge. however the BE12 , which of course was just a BE2 with the observers office faired over , and used for home defence had several different Lewis installation options for beating up Zeppo's an early sort of Foster mount you could describe it as. Sometimes with dual Lewis mounted. The poor old BE 2 was a deathtrap, totally unsuited for any action once the Hun had the Eindeckers in service. There were questions raised in Parliament about the suitability of the aircraft , and it was implied that the crews were not killed in action, rather they were murdered........The aircraft itself was not a bad machine, it was reliable, and well made, but totally useless in a non escorted role.

  6. 1 hour ago, elephant said:

    Balloon winching down when attacked.

    Implementation of parachuting from balloons and from German planes in historically correct timeline,


    Absolutely, Balloons were winched down at a moments notice, also the observers could jump, and did. Dont blame 'em really. Most fighter pilots stayed away from them as the Archie was particularly nasty anywhere near them, as well as "flaming Onions" being sent the way of any intrepid balloon hunter. They were that nasty to take on, that downing a balloon was regarded as a legitimate kill, and counted as such. So yes, winching and parachuting please !! 

    • Like 1

  7. We do, however I think Adger maent more of a working camera ( such as the one mounted on the BE2 ) which you have to insert a plate into, then sight, so similar in some respects to a bombing mission but in a recce mission you have to actually take a photo, or photos of a specific feature. I think maybe it could be shoehorned into the sim, but it would maybe a lot of work that the devs may not want to do, and I kind of get why . Art Obs, is handled completely incorrectly in WOFF, it was generally a single aircraft, not a flight , and the poor sod flying the mission would have to fly in figure 8's over the arty target, and send via morse where the fall of shot was going......a thankless and exceedingly boring, and no doubt horribly dangerous job.

    • Thanks 1

  8. Ahhhh, you have created the beast I see !!! 

    My Wishlist. We all know my suggestions for a bombsight, and pilots wings on completion of training.

    1. Maurice Farmans of varying types

    2. Morane Bullet

    3. Voisin 5 & 8

    4. Vickers Gunbus

    5. Albatros 2 seaters

    6. RAF FE 8

    7. AEG G IV  and C IV loads of German 2 seaters which were commonly seen and used.

    8 Hanriot HD 1

    9. Belgian Squadrons.

    10. Maybe some British bombers HP 0400, or Vimy, maybe .

    11. Spad 2 seaters . (Spad XI)

    An addon DLC for the Eastern Front, or the Italian front would be nice to see at some point as well. 

    • Like 3

  9. Oh no, I have reached my quota of poo stirring for the day, I expect I am already flavour of the month as it is, my name no doubt being cursed from behind gritted teeth. Which of course is a positive, rather than a negative, as it means maybe I am reaching those spots no other irritatin' git reaches !!! However, it is still a good idea, and as you had said idea, please feel free to implement it old chap. :rofl:

  10. Seriously though, the guys who flew Caudrons must of had some sort of rule of thumb about how to bomb relatively accurately, all be it with a general level of accuracy at least. would be interesting to find out how it was achieved.  I assume , as you modelled the aircraft, you have modelled the bomb window accurately, so I wonder if they made their own "cheat" lines on the glazing, to aid them.......a very interesting subject.  


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