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Posts posted by Trotski

  1. As I said just would rather like the logbook editor and the bombsight mod. I am not surprised about the FM's at all as the flight models on a lot of the aircraft were adjusted for this new iteration. I just hope that OBD will add the glaringly obvious missing aeroplanes, Albatros 2 seaters and the likes of the Gunbus and the Morane Bullet ( Roland Garros did develop the deflector after all in a Morane)

  2. Unsure on the incendiary ammunition, I know historically, that pilots had to have written permission to have Buckingham ( British incendiary rounds) loaded in their guns just incase of capture,  it was strictly to be used for balloon busting only so I assume the same went for the Germans and French as well. So maybe you have to specify if it is loaded or not, as regular ammunition isn't particularly effective against gas bags. I dont know if it loads incendiary as standard for balloon busting.

  3. Oh I do not disagree. I have just installed it. I am just somewhat dismayed at having purchased WOFF UE  and PE recently, and now BH&H released only weeks later, but, it is no big deal, if the whole is an improvement over the original WOFF PE, which I have no doubt it shall be !! I am looking forward to further expansion of this new iteration of what was already a superb WWI sim. I wish you would make the training a bit more immersive, for example, early in the war, training was pretty intensive, including gunnery and bombing instruction........These are only wishes though, and I appreciate it may be beyond your scope to re vamp the training. Also some types of aircraft are noticeably absent from WOFF, and by association therefore BH&H. For example, Farmans, short and long horns were extensivley used for RFC and French training of pilots, it would also be nice to be able to fly from 1914, in types such as Bleriot, or Taube, another glaring omission is the Vickers Gunbus, and the FE 8 ........Again suggestions, not demands. However I do wish you would hard code a Logbook editor into the sim, and please please adjust the font used to fill in the logbook, meaning the font on the pilots detail page, it is some awful black bold font which looks totally wrong.  Minor gripes I know, but these things would add to the already superb immersion into this wonderful sim.


    Oh and I forgot to mention the Hanriot !!!  :biggrin:

  4. Very excited to see this when it releases, I hope there will at some point , be some new Aircraft types, as mentioned above , for the Italian, Russian, Belgian, and Austro Hungarian. areas of operations. A Hanriot would be nice to see, as would an expansion of the Flying school scenarios, with maybe some Maurice Shorthorn and Longhorns, in fact some 1914 types would be nice to see, so the air war can start from 1914, rather than 1915. I know not a lot happened in 1914, however, it would be nice to have a pilot who started in '14 and see if you can get him ALL the way through the war.


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