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Posts posted by ChickenGeorge

  1. Just be great if something like Yankee Air Pilot could be done for FE2..it would reward the modders and save people who aren't computer savy or don't have the time, to pay for the convenience of having it all done for them.

    This game has the biggest plane set and that is it's biggest selling point, there is no reason why a WOFF/CFS3 couldn't be done for this game.

  2. I have lost all my folders in a hardware crash and am put off with the thought of going through all that hard work again, so i was thinking would it be a good idea for someone who has a full modded folder to put out a torrent or upload of their folder so a new person isnt put off with all the hard work of setting up from scratch?

    Just might be a way of making this sim a bit more popular.

  3. In the the main game folder, there's a folder named default. In that folder, there's a .xml file named cfs3. Open it using notepad or wordpad and about half way down under graphics section, you'll see max frame rate.


    On another note, I must respectfully disagree on a hdd not having an impact on game performance, especially flight sims. A poorly optimized hard drive can make a difference in how a game runs if cache or swap is involved and the base CFS3 engine does swap texture files. File location and swap file placement can indeed improve performance.


    Ultimate Defrag and O&O are but two disc management programs that allow direct, specific placement of apps, files, etc. Place your favorite flight sim on the very first track of the hdd, followed by a blank 4096 block and then the swap file and judge the difference.


    I run BHaH/HitR maxed out with fps locked @30 on a 6-1/2yr system and it's smooth as silk with TIR4.


    And at this point, I'll bite my tongue regarding the meaningless term "fps".





    Ignore thanks!

  4. Thanks for the reply..i have found out the culprit is the Flight folder..now to find out the rogue files..!!


    It was the FE effects pack mod but seemed to only effect the flight folder..anyway thanks!

  5. Hi i have FE2 and have put several mods into my game..but the one thing i seem to have lost is flak bursts in the sky..they still seem to be firing but there is no visual sign...so i never really know where to head..except for the map. Which folder or ini file could i have corrupted please?..as a newbie i just dont know where to look...thankyou..

  6. Hi i am running into an issue with this mod. When i want to play as Germans my plane (any German except Rumpler and PfalzEI) simply blows up the second the campaign finishes loading..i do not get a chance to do anything. With the AEG G4 is says in the hud "reached waypoint 1,2,3,4" really quickly. The planes fly perfectly in single missions..any ideas please?

  7. Hi..after playing OFF and Rise of Flight for sometime i have again booted this up and i believe this is almost in equal in atmosphere next to OFF, i think the flak is the best i have seen in a game, but i have 2 questions.


    I see lots of planes to download but what do you do with them? Do you you fly them about or can you add some to the campaigns? I assume the dynamic campaign is limited to what is there in the game now...so there is no early campaign etc?


    Also is the game pretty good to navigate by paper map? As the white waypoint markers and red enemy diamonds are a bit of a immersion killer...as i fear not using the white icons i will not bump into any action.


    Thanks for your answers in advance!!

  8. Hi there..did the W.S settings for February to the end of the war ever get done? Also where did the file for SIA-RSS AND REVISED BULLET LOADOUT goto please?


    Great work by the way :salute:


    SIA - RSS


    Here is the new and improved W.S. settings for the different time frames. We are still working on the dates from February till the end of the war. Ta.




    British_eh, with special thanks to Bletchley, also 77Scout and RAF_Louvert.


    SIA-RSS 1915 to June 1916.pdf



  9. Hi i hope someone can put me out of my frustration! I have FE2 and i want to change the clouds so i have tried several mods (one at a time) which i put into my C:\Users\Saved Games\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2\Flight


    All i end up with when i use scattered or broken is a blue sky with a white flickering to the side of the screen when i turn my head....i do not see even one cloud in the sky. If i go 3000 feet up or so i still see no cloud.


    I just dont want to use the stock ones Yuk!


    What am i doing wrong thanks.

  10. Dropping of Flares, firing rockets, or dropping bombs is a 2 key operation ( left over from CFS3 ) SELECT = Backspace . . only need to press it once, at the start of mission. . I refer to it as ARM


    Followed by FIRE = Enter


    In CFS3, aircraft had the ability to carry more than one type of ordnance, we don't have that choice in OFF


    Sooo you only need to put one button on your Joystick


    Thanks for that uncleal

  11. Firstly you can only ( shoot ) a flare if your Aircraft loaded out with Flares


    Why are you so into 1915-16, survival later-on in the war was much-much harder. Early on you only had to contend with Mother Nature with the occasional enemy contact. Where as later on Nature was still there unchanged and as unforgiving as ever, plus then you encountered enemy


    aircraft much more frequently and in much larger numbers


    I haven't the first idea as to what Sea State - 4 is


    If the idea of having it hard, turns- you -on, try dumping a tray of ice cubes into your shorts, and close one nostril with a ball of cotton, don't forget to wear an eye patch


    I know you must load the flare but which button combination fires the flare?


    Lulz @ Uncleal.



    Chicken, I had the same questions as you when I started out on RSS. That part is a bit confusing isn't it? Truth be told I haven't figured out what it means either. I just left the default settings and if it's raining or something I'll roll a die to see whether flights are cancelled that day or night but a definitive answer would be nice since the PDF reads as though those are actual settings you can change but I can't find them anywhere in OFF.


    Cheers Javito1986 makes me feel better knowing that i am not missing something quite obvious :)

  12. Hi there, bit of a lurker but have a problem trying to implement these settings within the PDF file in the survival in the air series 1915-16. The file says i should make these changes:


    Campaign Mission Freq: Historical (Weather Mode) On the Persistent Weather Statistics page

    Clouds – Heavy,

    Lightning – Heavy,

    Sea State – 4

    Seasonal Cover Type: Winter Full

    Front – Rain, Snow, or Sleet.

    Recommended/ User Choice: With these settings 13% of the Missions will present with some form of precipitation. Historically they rarely flew in any sort of precipitation. Take note that from ~ October to end April ~ 25% of Missions were cancelled due to weather therefore we will leave it to you to decide if the weather is satisfactory for a flight.


    Now i just dont know how to do this, i have checked all the settings needed but now what :dntknw:


    Thanks for any help you can give me.


    Also how do i shoot a flare,,thanks again

  13. Hi there, bit of a lurker but have a problem trying to implement these settings within the PDF file in the survival in the air series 1915-16. The file says i should make these changes:


    Campaign Mission Freq: Historical (Weather Mode) On the Persistent Weather Statistics page

    Clouds – Heavy,

    Lightning – Heavy,

    Sea State – 4

    Seasonal Cover Type: Winter Full

    Front – Rain, Snow, or Sleet.

    Recommended/ User Choice: With these settings 13% of the Missions will present with some form of precipitation. Historically they rarely flew in any sort of precipitation. Take note that from ~ October to end April ~ 25% of Missions were cancelled due to weather therefore we will leave it to you to decide if the weather is satisfactory for a flight.


    Now i just dont know how to do this, i have checked all the settings needed but now what :dntknw:


    Thanks for any help you can give me.


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