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Everything posted by tranquillo

  1. OT For Total War fans

    Thanks for posting, WM. I've thought for a while that I might give Total War a shot. Which one would you recommend if i want to add mods? Is it that simple?
  2. Woohoo!

    Yep, money well spent. The first time my wife saw me wearing my "alien" baseball cap she said "Something's different, have you had a shave?"
  3. Thanks for that, Olham. I'll try it with my rc model when I've finished it. Flat turns.....love 'em.
  4. OT Your all time Comedy Heroes

    Pay attention, WM. I mentioned Bill Connolly I also agree with your choice of Michael Macintyre
  5. This one cost me a lost week of my life trying to solve it. You must do it without resorting to the various "walkthroughs" that I've since found. Sagrarios Room
  6. OT - Flash game for WM

    Pm sent, Flyby. If you need hints without resorting to a walkthrough let me know.
  7. OT Funny Dutch Commercial

    And a Dutch website designed by someone with too much time on their hands.
  8. Hi guys. I'm in the process of making drawings for a flying model of the Howard Wright monoplane, the 1912 version as flown by T.O.M. Sopwith. The problem I'm having is finding some decent pictures af said craft. Any help in this matter greatly appreciated.
  9. Howard Wright monoplane

    That little model (colour pic) is Mike Roach's 34" and that's the one I want to replicate in a larger scale. That model had the landing skids and is the one Sopwith learnt to fly in. My real problem is that I want to put a lot of scale detail in it (cockpit controls etc.) and I can't get any details of what it was like. It was not a popular plane of the day and I guess this is why there is a lack of documentation/photos available. I've been in touch with Mike Roach and he's unaware of any plans but his so it looks like I may scale up his design and, as per a previous thought, make the rest up as I go along. I'm familiar with Bleriot and Blackburn monoplane cockpit interiors and it couldn't have been much different. And who's to tell me I'm wrong. Thanks for your sterling efforts, Hauksbee. Should you come across the original drawings on your travels, that would be great.
  10. Howard Wright monoplane

    Hauksbee, you really went for it there, didn't you? This is the plane in question. I've got a set of Mike Roach's plans that I intended to scale up to 1/6 scale (his is around 1/10 I think) and beef up a bit to take an IC engine as opposed to electric. Unfortunately there is not enough detail to make a larger scale convincing. On Mike Roach's site it mentions laser cut parts for a 120" wingspan which would be a little large I think. I did think that the plans for that 120" model would be great to scale down but my search for said plan has proved fruitless. Many thanks for trying, Hauksbee.
  11. Howard Wright monoplane

    We've had a lot of people join the forum since I first posted this so I thought I'd give it another shot. Looking for detailed drawings and/or photos of the Howard Wright Monoplane. Can anyone help? thanks.
  12. Another great flash game

    Crush the Castle has been driving me mad for a while now. And as for Lemmings......It still wastes more of my time than anything else. I just can't seem to let the little buggers go.
  13. Stupid anti-virus question!

    MS Security Essentials Malwarebytes
  14. OT Your all time Comedy Heroes

    A truly classic clip, Dej. I always end up laughing before it happens.
  15. OT Your all time Comedy Heroes

    Very difficult, WM. There are so many and it depends what mood I'm in but among my favourites are: John Cleese as Basil Fawlty Rowan Atkinson as Blackadder Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau Billy Connoly The Python team
  16. I WANT ONE!

    My arrangement was just like that until I fixed the loose seat on my chair. I'd love one of those but just haven't got the room.
  17. Does P4 get it's own name?

    OFF - for a beer
  18. Life in the Country

    I, too, wish you all the best in your venture, WM. I moved to the country about 27 years ago to a small community of only 28 people. About 4 years after that I moved back to the crowds, to a community of a staggering 85 people. I couldn't move back to the hustle and bustle now. Good luck m8.
  19. CFS3 Ubisoft DVD version

    There is actualy a workaround - I run my copy of cfs3 from a virtual drive.
  20. CFS3 Ubisoft DVD version

    You could try this one to mount your cd image. It's free.
  21. OT: Finally arrived today

    A truly classic series, VP. I remember it well and would dearly love to see it again too.
  22. I'm well aware of the seriouness of the matter - being an avid naturalist and environmentalist I follow such events - but if we can't make light occassionally of scary happenings then the planet will be a sadder place to be and we'll all give up with the hoplessness of it. Just my 2 pence worth - I did not mean to offend..
  23. Now that's my kind of fishing

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