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Everything posted by tranquillo

  1. OT Best free software

    Impressive range of apps there, Widowmaker. Thanks. Here is one of the most comprehensive lists of free software I've come across - not saying they're good or bad but whenever I'm in need of some software for nought, here's where I go first.
  2. Very nice shooting Hellshade. I was too busy getting this Albatros....... .....and forgot to check my six
  3. Best wishes to you and yours, everyone. Happy holidays.
  4. crash to desktop alarming

    I considered Game Booster once 'till I saw this and this
  5. I Know What I'm Getting For Christmas!

    I don't suppose she needs a flying jacket, Lou?
  6. Glad you're back up and flying again, Olham.
  7. Tough old Xmas

    mightysrc, Von Paulus. I feel your pain - I've "been there, done that" and could probably design the T shirt. Do your best to stay positive and get support from friends if necessary. Both of you have an uphill struggle but there is a peak to this hill and you will reach it. There will, no doubt, be some here that will contradict me but try not to focus too much on the future. Live your life as it is happening (even the s**t stuff). You will find that when you live life in the "now" that many positive things happen and opportunities arise. They would happen anyway but we tend not to recognise them when we are worrying about the past/future and they get missed - gone forever. As has already been said, be positive. See this as a "new beginning" and not "an end". The anger that you may be feeling now must be resolved in order for you to move forward. Write it all down - how you feel, who you hate, what you want to do to them etc. - then burn it. It sounds silly but it works. I wish you both, and any others in similar situations, a quick journey to the peak of the hill where you will, once again, be in a good place.
  8. Had to make a 5 hour drive on saturday and made it to the hospital with 1 hour to spare. Brilliant, I have a grandaughter. I just got back and had to tell you all.
  9. Hooray, I'm a grandad.

    Thanks everyone. Looking forward to Christmas even more now. Sounds like you talk from experience, Lou. I'll bear that in mind for when she gets older.
  10. Hooray, I'm a grandad.

    Cheers, slarti I'll add the virtual slug to the real one I'm now having
  11. Hooray, I'm a grandad.

    I know exactly how you felt last week now.
  12. What cost Immersion?

    Yes, but if you understand that the rules change and learn to spot the triggers it's much easier.
  13. Guess where I've been today?

    No. 13 looks kind of familiar but i can't place it.
  14. I'm gonna be a Grand-Dad

    Nice one. Congrats all round .
  15. I'm gonna be a Grand-Dad

    Congratulations, CJ. I too am waiting for grandfather status. Due today but looks like being late. No sign of a struggle within yet.
  16. I'm not playing OFF ever again!

    No, Shiatsu and acupuncture.
  17. I'm not playing OFF ever again!

    Not sure what it's called elsewhere but in the UK we refer to it as SAD - Seasonal Effected Disorder. The lack of sunlight not only effects our production of vitamin D but also means a reduction in Serotonin which is largely responsible for the depression. I have treated many people with SAD and have found that Light Boxes can help. They are not cheap but very effective. You don't have to suffer, people. P.S. No, I don't work for a Light Box company Also try to avoid taking antidepressants - that's a downward spiral IMO.
  18. Guess where I've been today?

    In the first picture the 2 buses in the background could be from my neck of the woods but the one in the foreground definately isn't. Anyway, can't be the UK because that cyclist is wearing a T shirt
  19. Microsoft Security Essentials

    I've been using MSE since win 7 came out and have not had a single issue with it.........so far.
  20. R/C Fokker D VIII

    Yeh, just my bit of fun. He resembles Terry Thomas from Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines.
  21. R/C Fokker D VIII

    Thanks for sharing that, carrick. I would love to have the space to store that size model but I'm restricted to 1/6 scale. These are some of mine.
  22. A bit late with my welcome, dokken1212, but have been flying most of the weekend. As you've seen, you will get a warm welcome here. 2 things you will not regret in your life: getting OFF and joining this forum. Mine's a pint of Spitfire .
  23. I've been flying OFF since about February I think and want now to get HITR. I've searched the Forum for an answer to this question but haven't found one. Apologies if I've missed it somehow. My question is in two parts: Firstly, will I lose all my current pilots when installing HITR? Secondly, will all of my settings in "Workshop" return to default? Thanks guys.

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