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Hi everyone! Since Monday I am the proud owner of "Over Flanders Fields" and I am really impressed by this simulation. Unfortunately, although it took quite a while to configure it correctly and to read through all the FAQs, graphic setting instructions, etc. it still does not seem to work properly. So I could really need your help! :-) The most frustrating problem first (I will post the other ones in different threads…) – in Campaign mode, the Claim Form does not appear! After several hours practicing in QC I flew my first campaign mission with a new pilot on the German Side. I downed three RAF BE2c planes that were flying close to my homebase just as I was about to land with my Albatros DII. When the mission ended no claim form appeared – just a message that the mission took 50 minutes and that my aircraft wasn't damaged in the whole mission. In the mission review it said that I shot down three BE2cs, too, every single kill was described in detail (why is that detailed Review possible in Campaign mode anyways?). So where is the claim form? When should it appear? And how are claims locked? Needless to say, that it is pretty frustrating to down three aircrafts in one mission only to realize that there is no way to claim the kills… The Realism setting is on normal so I assume there should be claim forms to fill out, shouldn't there? Thanks in advance for your help! Animator
Where or how to change the joystick's sensitivity in OFF?
Animator posted a topic in WOFF 1 2 3 / UE - General Help
Hi all, where can I change the sensitivity of the joystick for OFF? Is there a file where I can do that? I use a Saitek 290Pro and it works fine and is properly calibrated under Windows XP - but ingame it just seems to be much too sensitive, especially the twist axis. The later aircraft, e.g. the Fokker Dr.I or the Fokker D.VII are almost unflyable as well as other aircraft, not only generally speaking (that is, concerning the X- and Y-axis), but also when it comes down to aiming and using the rudder. The output movement just seems to occur much too fast after even the tiniest input movement. I really doubt that this was really the case when flying those aircraft. Thank you in advance for your help! Animator -
Where or how to change the joystick's sensitivity in OFF?
Animator replied to Animator's topic in WOFF 1 2 3 / UE - General Help
Hey uncleal, thank you for your effort - I really didn't know that fact about the iron sights. Sorry for all my questions and thanks for the numbers of the knowledge base thread - as you have written elsewhere: everything is answered anywhere in these forums...if one is disciplined enough to look... No hard feelings, I hope. :-) Animator -
Where or how to change the joystick's sensitivity in OFF?
Animator replied to Animator's topic in WOFF 1 2 3 / UE - General Help
Thank you for your answers, guys! :-) Well, I've downloaded the Saitek Software and Driver but there really is no option to change the Joystick's sensitivity. But I wonder, if a Joystick with "proper" axes - like this one here: http://www.chproduct...ighter_usb.html - offers a larger range of movement and consequently a better handling than those with just a spring like this one here (which is a newer model of the one I own): http://www.saitek.de...evowireless.htm ...? @uncleal: So you would advise me *not* to use the Iron_Sight perspective in those German craft where this option exists? Actually, I love them for that and find it rather difficult to aim with the Dr.I or a Nieuport where there is no proper aiming aid available... And concerning the D.II - it is really comparably easy to fly but when the D.III arrives it is over with that. And then what? Additionally, I do not understand why e.g. the Pfalz D.III is so much harder to fly than an Albatros D.II or even D.III!? It even stalls much earlier and seems to perform much worse than a D.II or D.III! Is this historically correct? Another problem I have - apart from proper control of my field of vision (I don't own TrackIR...and cannot afford it for the time being) - is pushing my plane to the limits without stalling...I mean, at least on "Veteran" in Quick Combat, the AI really flies maneuvers I cannot follow with my plane without stalling. And in Campaign mode I've never survived a "real" dogfight, yet, almost all my kills or claims have been twoseaters or fighters I killed out of an advantage situation. Consequently, I do not last long in Campaign mode so that I switched "Pilot never dies" on – but that is not that satisfying, really… But how do I know when my plane is about to stall? Do I have to look at the air speed of those red text that also shows the framerate? Or at those yellow messages? How do you handle that? Do you use a force feedback Joystick for that reason? (And what does it do anyway…?) Well, sorry for all those questions, but I am just curious… Thanks in advance! Animator -
Ah, thank you for your answer - that was exactly what happened; as I was near enough to my homebase and that was the last waypoint, the "Goals completed" message appeared. The chasing of the three British planes happened after that message. Good to know... thank you! :) Animator
I landed my plane properly – and yet it counts as a "crash land"…
Animator posted a topic in WOFF 1 2 3 / UE - General Help
I am quite new to OFF and have the following problem: Sometimes I land my plane in QC or in campaign mode – and when the plane comes to a halt I am kicked out of the mission and the landing counts as crash land with the plane destroyed – although I landed properly in the game! How can I fix that? When in the game nothing happened to my aircraft, not the tiniest scratch, actually… Another problem is, that I am always kicked out of the game when I really crash so that I almost never see the actual damages, i.e. when I crash the application ends as soon as my plane touches the ground; or when I collide in the air with another aircraft there is only half a second when I see my plane burning and collapsing – but then the application ends and I am back at the screen that usually appears after a mission. This thread here sounds just like my problem, although the landing problem isn't mentioned there: http://forum.combata...hit-the-ground/ Is that fixable? And how can I recognize beforehand if my normal landing will count as a crash landing or not? Other planes crash normally – they collapse at the ground or start burning and fall all the way to the ground, etc. – just my player plane reacts strangely… Thank you in advance for your help! Animator -
Hey Olham, besten Dank für Deine rasche und ausführliche Antwort! :) Ich werd mir nochmal Deine alten Screenshots ansehen und noch ein paar Videos auf der von Dir genannten Seite schauen - aber ich denke, ich leg's mir dann zu! Gruß, Animator
Hallo zusammen, OFF macht einen tollen Eindruck, zumindest, was die Reviews und Feature-Listen angeht; allerdings bin ich mir unsicher, ob das Spiel auf maximalem Realismus auf meinem Rechner überhaupt läuft…der hat folgende Hardware: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+ 2.01 Ghz GigaByte K8NF-9 Ultra nF4 DD 2,00 GB RAM 400-333 K2 KVR Sapphire 512 D3 X ATI Radeon X1800XT 512MB BenQ FP91G+ monitor (1280x1024) XP Home Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 3<br style=""> <br style=""> Laut Herstellerangaben müsste es für OFF reichen – allerdings frage ich mich, ob mein PC auch größere Gefechte (30-50 Flugzeuge oder so…) hinbekommt? Oder gibt es Luftkämpfe dieser Größenordnung gar nicht in OFF? Im englischen Combat Ace Forum meinte jemand, es müsse flüssig laufen auf niedrigen Details, jemand anders hingegen meinte, es laufe wahrscheinlich etwas langsamer, als üblicherweise akzeptabel, was aber davon abhänge, was ich erwarte bzw. noch für akzeptabel halte…das ist mir irgendwie etwas vage…eine Demo gibt es nicht, oder doch? Die zweite Frage betrifft den Joystick – es ist ein Saitek ST290Pro: Kann man mit dem brauchbar spielen – oder benötigt man dringend ForceFeedback, Pedale und TrackIR? Bei IL2-Sturmovik lief der Joystick durchaus brauchbar, allerdings fand ich es auf vollem Realismus schon ziemlich schwer, eine Me-109E sauber zu landen, ohne das Fahrwerk zu verlieren… Da ich momentan knapp bei Kasse bin, frage ich mich, ob sich OFF zum Preis von 10 Euro für den CombatFlightSimulator 3 plus die ca. 23 Euro für das eigentliche Spiel überhaupt lohnen? Kommt da eigentlich noch Zoll drauf??? Enthält OFF auch ein Programm, mit dem man die Flüge aufnehmen und aus verschiedenen Kameraperspektiven darstellen lassen und als avi-Dateien speichern kann (um sie später zusammenzuschneiden)? Das sind jetzt eine Menge Fragen…trotzdem danke für eure Hilfe! Gruß, Animator
Hi everyone, I am new here in the forums and found OFF during my search for a realistic WWI flight sim with maximal immersion. I would like to play OFF on maximal realism (concerning clouds, air activity, etc.) but I am not sure if my machine is able to handle that: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+ 2.01 Ghz GigaByte K8NF-9 Ultra nF4 DD 2,00 GB RAM 400-333 K2 KVR Sapphire 512 D3 X ATI Radeon X1800XT 512MB BenQ FP91G+ monitor (1280x1024) XP Home Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 3 Saitek ST290Pro Joystick I won't play OFF just for the fun of it but to get a deeper understanding of the airplanes and the style of combat manoeuvres pilots were able to fly with them, as well as for the change of combat situations from 1916 to 1918. My goal is to be able to create realistic, thrilling and convincing shots and sequences of aerial combat for an independent animated movie I am currently developing (and will be developing for the next five years or so). Thank you very much for your support! Animator