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Everything posted by Antares81

  1. Thanks a lot ... very good work ,can you make some thing for MiG-23s / MiG-23Bs ang MiG-31 ?
  2. Thanks a lot for your progect , It's a god idea I ask you only for cockpit what you will do ?
  3. New Korean terrain due

    wow ... coming soon ?
  4. Flying Quixote

    Hi folks, I would like to invite all to visit my facebook page at Flying Quixote and website www.flyingquixote.com Some months ago We've start a new activity about 3d mod of some Aircraft. I'm a senior member and moderator, we 've a teamof designer and modelrs and a new forum to post all WIP and final products that will coming soon .... thanks a lot members .. You're all welcome
  5. Flying Quixote

    Gurada quelli sicuramente li rilasceremo in free-share, come ben sai l' engine avionico di TW non è poi tanto evoluto. Il cockpit dell' A-7 lo renderemo funzionante in tutte le sue caratteristiche poiche ci siamo basati fondamentalmente sulla manualistica NATOPS per moduli come FSX DCS e P3D, vogliamo fare le cose seriamente e nei dettagli non vogliamolasciare nulla al caso, stessa cosa dicasi per il nostro F-4 Phantom II ( variante US NAVY) , l' F-5E e alcuni velivoli dell' AMI AMX , T-AMX F-16A ed F-104S-ASA-M. Vista anche il nostro forum sul sito e saremo lieti di accogliervi ed esporvi tutte le questioni in merito. La nostra idea e quella di ricreare le operazioni imbarcate delle decadi '60 e '70 con altri progetti che a suo tempo vi sveleremo. Và pure sulla nostra pagina FB o contattaci, saimo io ( Antonio Pask ) , Francesco Pronio ( Flying Quixote Leader ). Ovviamente nel sito c'è anche una sezione dedicata "LAVORA CON NOI" , per quei modder che vorrebbero affacciarsi e creare una seria e amichevole collaborazione, ovviamente dividendone gli utili. Vi aspettiamo .
  6. Classic flanker cockpit for Marcfighters Su-27

    Finalmente ... grazie infinite :)
  7. Well .. I think that this disposition of TF-30 AB is not a problem, so many times real Tomcat parked on flight line have this disposition. Then you don't care. Real problem in animation are glove-vanes , swing-wing cause is not present a swithc for manual and automatic wing position and refuel probe because miss like also the TCS camera that is swithable indipendently by radar in ACM mode and still miss the left and right consoles on pilot cockpi cause panels are blank. I wish that modders can create this animation, Tomcat surely would be more than interesting . What you think ?
  8. SF2_!991_Operation Nordic Storm.7z

    Thanks ... this is a good mission pack
  9. USS Saratoga Carrier Heads off to Be Scrapped.

    Good-bye Super SARA :'(
  10. Ehy Members .... please ... I've many Blue prints and plans of Coral Sea , Midway and F.D. Roosevelt and early Big-E Pignon I wish I would help you .... please
  11. are downloadable ? ... I caN make textures
  12. Sorry I've think about download .... I've wrong . Are you working on carriers ?
  13. Hello Can I have permission to visualize ?
  14. Agregar Addons, Guia N°1 [arreglado]

    is possible to export Aircraft carrier whit 3D Studio MAX 2014 ?
  15. Sorry ... i don't know why ? ... I'm trying again
  16. Zip file damage ... why ?
  17. Hello Stratos ..... look at my Facebook page Flying Quixote or vst our website at www.flying quixote.com ......
  18. Can Dave make a Skins pack for F-4J/S of late '70 and early '80 ?
  19. WEllll .. is a very good idea .... can you only remove the parked F/A-18 on USS Saratoga flight-deck and up-date the parking aircraft for SF2 ? It's a very good mod ... thanks a lot .... and GOO NAVY
  20. Take care of your healt .. God must watch you
  21. No no please .... A-Time site carriers are not detailed ..... Would be great ful to have new detailed carriers for SF2 ..... I've many blue prints and detailed paint. I can help who want to build .....
  22. USS Forrestal is not included on YAP sets :/ .. I need to find it .... But something miss on the tower structure and is better to remove all Hornet parked on the line of cat2 Please can you upload this carrier ?

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