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Posts posted by dast24

  1. jop, das flugplatz fest was am IFA WE war war auch wieder spitze, ist glaube jedes jahr anfang september.

    dieses mal war hangar 8 auch mal offen da waren auch noch paar schätze drinne.

  2. if i remember correctly we already have a pretty good what if A-4 for the German Navy.

    i think this one would fit pretty well.


    in regards of the carrier:

    german Charles de Gaulle would be nice but there is no model without the parked rafales :-(

    a german build carrier, relativly small like the Ark Royal, would be nice, but i would prefer atleast 2 catapults.

    or a bit larger carrier with french and german crew as cooperation project


    @Stratos: yeah the germans should be able to protect there coasts from landbases, but if you go with that logic UK, USA, etc could do that also :-D

  3. i´m not with the russians if they decide to take the whole ukraine, but i´m with them or better, i can unterstand why they were taking over the krim. i mean it is nearly there´s for centuries  they rented it for the black sea fleet and nearly all of the citizens are russians.

    i think putin hadn´t done it if it was for sure that they could extend the rent of the krim, after the ukraine switched to the EU.


    but maybe someone telled him that the urkaine will not extend the contract and so he had to do something.(and here is the main problem we didnt now what happened before) it is there only harbour to get fast in the mediterran sea and the harbour is mostly ice free in the winter months

    they have to stay there. if not, the balanced would have switched to far to the NATO Side and that isn´t good either.



    your are right in regards of hawaiiin in a way..oh did you know, one minor fact it was annexed (because of the strategic value->rings some bells, huh?!)  on August  12.1898: but what if (big IF) Hawaii would tomorrow decide, that they want to be part of russia and all US Forces have to leave the Island would they go? peacefully?! i dont think so^^

    that saddam was terminated was one of the good things, but for god sake why have it to be done with 250.000 troops. i dont know but the US has maybe more than one good SpecOps Units wouldn´t they be enough to get that guy?

  4. hehe, yeah and the us never lies^^ golf of tonkin, WMD´s in iraq,...... the list goes on. me thinks same sh*t different hemisphere.

    no right the US isnt annexing Iraq or other countries they bombed. what the mostly US do is even worse.

    bring democratic revolutions with bombs. burning the country to the ground and go home with leaving it even more worse as it was before.

    if you are playing worlds police force do it right and do the whole job. and dont blame countries who do the same.

    democratic revolution with bombs worked only once. germany 1945.


    for georgia conflict: the us is doing police actions for more than 50years world wide. and if russia/china say´s no in the security council they do it anyway.

    but than the US complains if someone else (in this case russia) do excactly the same thing. why is the US getting away with it.?!?! especially with the unlawful War against Iraq in 2003.

    as far as i know no one was sentenced for it. why has anybody else accept responsibility for there action in Den Haag but the USA didn´t have to. i dont get it!

    i mean come on "they have WMD!" sometimes later "uups the didnt have WMD´s......sry our bad" and thats it?!


    it´s like  you kill your neighbor because he "killed" your wife, and than "ups, sry forgot that my wife visited her mother, my bad."


    EDIT: dont get me wrong, i dont hate the US in general or so, but me thinks that some citizen there should wake up and question the stuff you got served by your politicans and media.

    i also did not say the putin is a white knight, but he is also not the black knight.


    EDIT2: but we got of track. sry for that


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