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Everything posted by tofke

  1. OFFUserBackupFiles program

    great !!!!!!!!!!
  2. how to save ?

    Thanks Von paulus, you make my day !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Hi, yesterday i received my copy of phase 3 + HitR, after this "BIG" install can i delete my old phase 2 directory or phase 3 use it ? (phase 2 was in C:/program files/microsoft games/OFF and phase 3 was in C:/program files/odbsoftware/) Thanks a lot for this great game !!!! Tofke
  4. Hi uncleal, with phase 3 i must down the settings for clouds and ground density, i have between 24 to 30 fps with these settings, but it's definitly a bit slower than Phase2, i just have a problem with the smoke when i launch rocket the fps down to 10, can i disable smoke rocketts somewhere ? Peace Tofke
  5. Hi, Track ir is an expensive object (150 to 250 euros), here the link to make himself his track ir for 30 euros i'll give a try this weekend, it's seems easy to do http://www.free-track.net/fichiers/manuel21en.pdf have a nice day Tofke
  6. warpzap

    Great !
  7. Hi, just a nooby question : what do you do when you are out of ammo during a dogfight ? when i press "esc" i'm dead but when i returning to my airbase the hunts follow me... and shot me down... Tofke
  8. no ammunitions

    maybe bail out just before taran !
  9. Hi, i cant play campaign,when i click on the briefing button, i have always this message, if i click "ok" the game shut down , i have an intel centrino cpu 1.66 T5500, Xp, 2 go ram, service pack 2 with nvidia 7300go (256mo) thanks for help Tofke
  10. execution 13

    Hi, thanks for reply uncleal, i appreciate 1- Phase 2 runs at 35-45 fps for me with 3 for all videos settings, and 5 for the plane details (2 for clouds) 2- just replacing "," to "." in regional settings and the campaign runs good now , (but i'm dead after only 4 missions...) uncleal, it's a great game, so why you said "phase 3 will dont run on my system" ? please explain your point of view ... i have lock on, il 2 1946, ka 50 black shark and all these games are running up to 35 fps... it's just a question of settings and overclocking of my CG, however i play on a bravia sony 107 cm full hd with a s_video cable and it's just great !!!! have a nice day peace tofke (sorry for my english, i'm french language)
  11. For french xp, in regional settings, you can stay in french but just replace the decimal "," by "." in personnalized options and that works Tofke
  12. Hi Gentlemens I'm Tofke from Belgium (Ypres) So i have OFF phase 2 and i bought BHaH (no receive yet) and HITR (download ok)... I have a problem to reading the video intro "IV50.DLL not found" i installed the old indeo but the problem is staying on my computer, where can i find this dll ? and another question, I play IL2-1946 on my PC with a PS3 syxaxis controller, so in OFF where can i configure my syxaxis ? Thanks have a nice day Tofke
  13. IV50 problem

    Hi, the ps3 controller works fine now with OFF, i have two axis and 17 buttons configured, this is possible with Libusb_win32 for the IV50 error i cant find any good links, many of these are broken or deleted... thanks Uncleal, i'm waiting for my dvd Peace Tofke

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