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Everything posted by TROOPER117

  1. Wings Over The Reich - News

    Those pics aren't 19 sqn... QV is the 19 sqn code.
  2. If you are going to put an aircraft into a combat flight sim it has to look and sound right...
  3. For those who want to see how it's really done...
  4. Wings Over The Reich - News

    Yes, looking forward to some PSM... (Pol and Shredders Magic)
  5. Wings Over The Reich - News

    Here's a snippit mate...
  6. MODS release

    Good job!
  7. It's out... it's on open beta right now. Video on start up, taxi, take off, climb and cruise, landing and engine shut down...
  8. It's Monday... taxi and take off Mossieness.
  9. at first, i thought it was the Duffel Blog....

    Unbelievable... anyone with more than 2 braincells would have assumed the US or any NATO force would destroy anything that would be of use to the enemy.
  10. Better look here as well... https://combatace.com/forums/topic/96584-this-is-short-but-very-clever/
  11. BHAHII Missions and Campaigns

    Ran out of bullets there Fritz?...
  12. I've moved both of these games to a new SSD, and now they won't run... they keep telling me they have failed an integrity check... any ideas chaps!
  13. BH&H II and WoTR won't run...

    @Adger... Thanks for your input, I took your advice and I've uninstalled/reinstalled WoTR, copied my mods folder, but didn't know how to save any pilot settings etc. Got JSGME going with my saved mods, patched up to date etc and the game now runs, and yes it was a ball ache... it's too late to do anymore, but tomorrow I guess it's sort through all my control settings and start at least an RAF and a Luftwaffe campaign and fly a mission on each just to get back up to speed again. Then at some stage I've got to do the lot again with BH&H II...
  14. BH&H II and WoTR won't run...

    Thanks mate...
  15. BH&H II and WoTR won't run...

    I moved them to a new ssd, and I'm sure I've done it with WoFF before... In fact I've moved all my flight sims to the new drives, redone all the shortcuts as well, every single one of them has started and run perfectly... except BH&H2 and WoTR. I don't want to go through a reinstall if I can help it, but can't understand how all the other games I've cut and pasted over are fine, lol!
  16. BHAHII Missions and Campaigns

    Good flying there... although at one point I shouted 'bloody hell' and actually ducked!
  17. BHAHII Missions and Campaigns

    Bugger!... or words to that effect!
  18. I always wonder how much 1C make on these sales... You always hear that lot's of people have bought everything and have nothing left to get. I have all the aircraft stuff from RoF and from GB (not interested really in vehicles or tanks)...
  19. Where's my Sopwith Pup, that's what I want to know?
  20. Wings Over The Reich - News

    Hurrah and huzzah!...
  21. Mossie Monday has become a thing...
  22. I was about to say ''watch out for the hun in the sun''... but you needn't worry today by the looks of it!

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