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Everything posted by Thunderchild

  1. I'm an avid sim racer and now getting into WW1 sims. I'm using my G25 gas and brake pedals for rudder (which work great in ROF) but the axis is reversed in OFF. I'm brand new to OFF and have a bit to learn. Is there a config file I can access or am I missing something? Thanks
  2. Reversing and rudder axis

    I have had issues running the Saitek profiler in W7 otherwise yeah, I can reverse the axis there. Problem is system lock ups in game. Logitech allows the G25 pedals to lock gas and brake into a sinlge axis which is cool for fligt sims..although it's a little tight on the feet - still works well. If depressed at the same time, they cancel each other out by the amount depressed. (100 percent left plus 50 percent right equals 50 percent left) ...the boys at ROF money is well earned - incredible sim. But you know how we always want more - I want all the WW1 sim fun at once
  3. Reversing and rudder axis

    Yeah, thanks, I have a 'twisty' stick, although the pedals work great as rudder in Rise of Flight ... that sim has a tick box to invert the axis. I thinking I'm just missing something. Is there any way to invert an axis in OFF?

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