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Everything posted by Cretin

  1. The tower is an enemy secret weapon. :D
  2. I Got It !!!!

    I have a 9800 and a mid range system and haven't had any problems with LOMAC. I routinely tweak and tune my system for best baseline performance and pay a lot of attention to routine maintenance. Wonder if that has anything at all to do with it? Also running Win XP.
  3. I hear what you guys are saying and I can't take issue with it. I guess I see the addition of two new aircraft as a bigger deal than most. Why do I think that the addition of two new flyable aircraft is a big deaL? First of all it changes the mix and increases, exponentially, the possibilities for "new" missions and campaigns. Secondly, the new planes aren't just pretty skins sharing a common flight model. There has been a lot more than that put into them. I suppose I value having aircraft with flight models that are as realistic as possible, and realistic relative to one another, more than anything else. If the flight models are great and everything else is not great, I can still be happy. If frame rates are great, the eye candy is great, the interfaces are great but the flight models are "arcade", I'm not interested.
  4. I knew that LOMAC would have it's problems. Heck, "Su-27" and "Flanker" certainly had their share! After all of this time we just recently had another update/patch for IL-2:FB. The one thing that all of the sims I mentioned have in common is that they have all pushed the envelope in some way. Think of how many "arcade" combat flight sims have come and gone. "Falcon 4.0" is still alive because it too pushed the envelope. So why do I want to buy a new sim that I KNOW is going to come with problems? Two reasons. First, I already know, based on past history, which companies are going to offer long term support, patches and updates which, in the long run, will result in a great product. More importantly, if hardcore sims, for better or worse, don't sell, then no one will produce them. Personally, I would rather have paid twice the price for LOMAC and gotten a well-finished product but that is just not the way things work. The "business" doesn't allow for that. I don't want to see PC hardcore combat flight sims go away. I am willing to "invest" in order to keep them coming. Hey, it may be lumpy but it's still gravy! :D
  5. Incentive Rides

    My one shot at a ride came about 1980. The company I was working for did business with the base. Our company got one pass to the closed event. My coworker, who actually called on the base, was kind enough to give the pass to me. That's the closest I have ever gotten and, without doubt, the closest I will ever get. At least I have gotten to sit in an F-16 twice. Once in the "back seat", as mentioned above, and once in the driver's seat at an airshow. I suppose I was pretty lucky to get that considering how tight things are now.
  6. Incentive Rides

    I was at an event where they were giving rides in F-16's. Actually got buckled down in the "back seat" and then got scrubbed. Stayed soft for years after that.
  7. Alright, switch! Go for it!
  8. See if you can get some rest for yourself now. Sleep is healing.
  9. Yeah, saw that, Dweeb. Pretty kewl as it is sim specific and compares with how other sims have been set up. ;)
  10. P.S. Live long and prosper. :ph34r:
  11. Fair enough, BirdDogg. Simply your honest opinion to which you are most assuredly entitled. Sorry that you have had so many disappointments. That gets pretty frustrating. I also fly IL-2:FB and SFP1 and have the same feelings about them that you do. Hope that despite the disappointments that you have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. ;)
  12. Good idea, switch. I have a junker online but haven't been using it. Thanks! :D
  13. I have never gone there and will never go there. Why? I really don't need to go anywhere that I have to turn off security and privacy features on my puter in order to get in. Even on the Ubi LOMAC site I get "fastclick" trying to drop tracking cookies on me 49 times per visit! So, I went looking for somewhere more "friendly" and found Biohaz Central. MadJeff does it right. ;)
  14. Which Flight Sim Should I Get 1st

    Glad you were able to reach a decision, firehawkordy. I'm sure that you'll really enjoy FS2004. :D See, I figured that no matter which way you went, in the long run, you couldn't lose. You never asked which sim you should get and which sim you should never get. You asked, "Which flight sim should I get FIRST" ;) Have a very merry Christmas and a great new year. Keep your canopy out of the dirt no matter what you are flying. :D
  15. Which Flight Sim Should I Get 1st

    Well done, PG Raptor! ;) Yeah, it's simple. Do you like burning paint off the wall or do you like watching it dry? (Uh oh! I'm goin straight to hell now. I just know it )
  16. Which Flight Sim Should I Get 1st

    Hey, Chaingun, let's not knock FS2004. Just think, you can fly a 747 from London to New York in real time. You can do 'touch and go' in a modern jet fighter. All the time with great frame rates and beautiful scenery. No noisey weapons to disrupt the serenity. No harrowing dogfights. No tanks blowing up in front of you. No missiles to evade. Oh for the quiet life! ;)
  17. Can't help with the problem but your signature is great! :D Have you seen this shot? "Pour some hot water on the carb, will 'ya."
  18. Which Flight Sim Should I Get 1st

    Do you have the need? The need to blow things up? :D
  19. :D He,he! Keep the faith, men. Any of you go back as far as the very first Su-27 sim from Eagle Dynamics? Those who do go back that far know EXACTLY what I am referring to. Essentially, you were on your own! With what training there was you had to try to stay alive long enough to learn something! The plane was great, scenery looked like a cartoon. You had to be pretty hardcore and determined to stay with that one! The hook was that it was the first Russian jet fighter to be featured in a sim AND it was a real breakthrough in flight model accuracy. From those humble beginnings we got to Flanker 2.5 and now LOMAC. There were plenty of bugs, bumps and glitches along that road! Nothing ever came out of the box "perfect". They never do. The really big difference was that Eagle Dynamics and all of the other folks involved NEVER dropped the ball. They offered ONGOING support for a LONG time in terms of patches and updates. By contrast, other jet sims got maybe one half assed patch and that was it! I'm not kidding! That's the truth! To make a sim with mutiple flyable jet aircraft at a high level of realism is an absolutely astounding accomplishment. It's amazingly complex just in terms of the math formulae involved. I was very surprised that it runs as well as it does right out of the box. Keep the faith. It's going to be OK. I guarantee that you won't find yourself throwing LOMAC on the junk pile. Patience is the key. That's why I went into past history. There are still plenty of people playing Flanker today. That would not be the case had there not been great ongoing support. You think Flanker was perfect out of the box? Of course, if you are really unhappy you could buy the other multi-aircraft, hardcore, jet combat sim released this holiday season. What's the name of that again? ;)
  20. "Are flares the only defense the A-10 has?" Against heat seekers, yes. Flares PLUS evasion. Don't forget evasive maneuvers. Flying straight and level dropping flares you'll likely get toasted. You want the flares to be where you ain't! ;)
  21. Terrain Textures

    Dang, Raptor, those shots look GREAT to me. I think the answer is to fly faster. You won't notice anything much if you maintain at least Mach 2.0. :D
  22. New Layout

    He, he! Go for it! Have fun, MadJeff! :)
  23. Test

    Don't see a thing. :P

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