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Posts posted by Foxtrott

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen,


    i have a question. I'm owning 3 Games of 1st Generation(SFP1, WoE and WoV). What can i do, that these Games work with graphics files in .jpg(most textures). I tried to converted down mods of SF2, few can i use, because the texture of it was in bmp. In other mods was textures or similiar in .jpg and i converted it in bmp and changeed it in all lod.out files, but these objects like shipes, planes or other was not to use. :(

    Sorry for my terrible englsh, but i hope, you understand what i mean.


    Greetings from Germany     

  2. Hello there,


    i dowloaded the game and the Runtime file,now it works complete under Win 7, graphic card is a Geforce GT730 2GB DDR 3 in my machine. I own the original game from Micropose "European Air War". I will try later to install EAW150 on my ancient machine with Win 98 and a 3dfx Graphic card. Thank you for sharing the links.


    Greetings from Germany.  

  3. Hi Ladies and Gentlemen,


    i have a problem with the cockpit of airplane F-117 Nighthawk. Let me explaine it. I downloaded the User Made Mission F-117A in Desert Storm for WoE. I didn't found a F-117 for SFP1-Series. So i took the F-117 from SFP2 and tried it to convert to SFP1 by Converter from here( for .ini files) and Format Factory( .jpg to .bmp files) I tried to attach a photo of the cockpit, how it looks in the the Game. What can i do, that looks it better?


    Thank you.



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