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Everything posted by flameout513

  1. New Member Downloads

    ok well I will have to wait, not my strong suit, but it is a problem you are aware and working on so at least I can support you in any way I can until it is fixed. Thanks
  2. New Member Downloads

    I am actually downloading only once but it looks like it has been downloaded twice - the download manager???
  3. New Member Downloads

    I use MSN which has a download manager, hence, the problem you mentioned. I realize that until you can get everything worked out we I need to be a little more patience. Semper Fi
  4. New Member Downloads

    I like the aircraft associated with SF2 and the skins, weapons pack etc. I have been to column 5 and downloaded those addon associated with SF2, Mirage Factory makes some great models and I have some of them. Your site is one of the best that I have seen for any simulations and it is loaded with great downloads. Maybe a subscription would be the answer but my funds are limited disabled Vietnam vet VA monthly comp and retirement only USMC retired.
  5. Since I am having trouble with downloading from the website can someone direct me to where I can find the latest weapons paks. Thank you
  6. Yes I copied the files out of the win.rar program to another file perfecto!! Thanks for your help it made me think through some of the hurdles and come up with a temp solution feel free to pass it on to those that still need it. OOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
  7. Thanks for the info sorry about the two threads I know they are working on the dowload issue but I did discover a workaround. If you can't save the file due to your download manager just say run file and as soon as it downloads you can run the program you can execute the file just no copy which is ok. Others might want to know about this method if they to are having problems. Thanks wrench flameout513 (VMA513) Semper Fi!
  8. I qm looking for SP1, WOE, WOV and SPG if there is one
  9. I cannot download due to my download manager and whether I use msn or internet explorer I get the same result no download and I exceeded limit. I have the WOI weapons pak but need the SP1,SPG,WOE,WOV weapons pak before I start to add aircraft. Thank you

    I am new and every time I try to download a file nothing happens it just freezes the screen until I cancel it. Also, I keep getting error message that I exceeded downloads when I havn't had one successful download. I couls use some help or one of the administrators might check the setting on my account. Thank you

    Thank you for the feedback Right now I am just trying to get the weapons pack downloaded. How can I get the latest weapons pack for SP1 or SPG, WOV, and WOE. I have the WOI and just want to add the others before I start adding aircraft. I did get to a site that allowed me to download a weapons pack but is from 2006. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Semper Fi

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