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Everything posted by flameout513

  1. I just updated my program to the latest patch. All the stock aircraft are now just configurations files. Do we still mod as before and what if it is the same aircraft? I don't see the normal list of files that you would place in your mod folder. I have been away for a while from my SF2 some what has changed?? I appreciate any input you can provide. I won't mod yet until I know it is the same as before or we have to do something different. Semper Fi
  2. Thanks Wrench got it. DLC I got with the DLC Store (duh!). I know I am getting old but too soon for dementia. I don't know a lot about the mods so I use the read me files and generally everything works out fine. A testament to the great work that everyone and you do in provding people like me with mods. I do backup my mod files so that with each patch the updates are not that painful. The change TW made though seems to make it more difficult to add mods then the earlier versions. The older aircraft that was SF2 mods should you stay with the newer ones?
  3. Thank you Wrench REALLY important information. DLC & RedAirs? So if you add dowloaded componets (DLC?) or patch the DLC, if not impacting stock aircraft, you are fine but if they reference stock aircraft files they will revert to nonflyable or is it applicable to any file? What are RedAirs - the airfiles?
  4. Thank you both for your response and information. I wasn't sure about the extractor tool provided but now it all makes sense. Yes all has remained the same since the original release with the exception of the new tool and grouping textures into cat files. Thanks again
  5. The new SF2 C-47A requires the cockpit.lod from A team. Does anyone have one that I can use? Thank you PLEASE IGNORE AS THIS IS NOT A PROPER REQUEST My apologies
  6. Thank you everyone for your advice. I had a small problem with Capun but we resolved it yesterday. I over downloaded 41 files that was my fault for not thinking. Thank you for the download as well.
  7. I was wondering if anyone would like to see all updates for addon aircraft/skins/ground objects etc. under a separate category instead of being under file announcements with everything else. I have to search each page for announcements of an update or go through all the downloads looking for updates. I don't know what it would take to do such a change but the Administrators might give this option some thought and if feasible great if not I understand.
  8. I see what you mean. Just thought to ask but cost bandwidth and usage are deciding factors. Thanks for the response.
  9. I looked through the knowledge database for SF2 ans searched the SF2 forums. I didn't have any luck so here I go posting to the forum for an answer. I noticed that somew decals.ini have the format of a forward slash \ to direct the files to the appropriate decal folders and sometimes they have a backward / slash Examples FilenameFormat=A-6A FOTI\VA196\d\Lintake FilenameFormat=F-102A (60)/32nd FIS/D/aircraftnumber
  10. Thanks for your responses - good info to have either way except consistent with current ini
  11. The Hunter aircraft shows holes through the underside where the topside is fine I am running a merged SF2 install with the Dec 2010 patch and Expansion Pack 2 Attached is a screenshot of the issue. I would appreciate anyone leading me in the right direction. I compared the Data.ini with other Hunters no difference that I can see with the landing gear settings.
  12. First - thank you for the link that fixed the problem. Secondly - I did a search using Hunter6, Hawker Hunter and Hunter Disappearing wheel covers - no hits. Thirdly amd most important - We members of this great website that has skilled people to create models should not be for flip responses. I am certain that when you started it was all new and over time you learned and shared with us that are now new and learning. I am a 60 year old retired Marine wounded twice in combat and decorated once for valor. I feel I have earned the right that people be civil with me so Soulfreaks response though flip maybe he should think more before you speak. All of us that are new to SF2 depend heavily upon all the experts - that should tell you how much respect we have for you. Enough said - Thank you again for the link
  13. Hi, What file contains the information for firing the guns. I am having a problem with getting the guns to work on most of my MiG's. I haven't tried the other aircraft yet bit if they work will let you know. I am running SF2 merged install and have used the ordway cockpits and the updates in the SF2 cockpits for MiG-21's 1.7. Any help wpuld be appreciated as I am the the learning curve still but willing to learn all I can. Thanks
  14. I loaded the VantourBN but no cockpit shows up when the Aircraft is loaded. Also, the T28 aircraft loads but does not have any engine sounds. Can someone tell me hoe to fix these problems? Thanks Semper Fi
  15. Thanks Wrench all fixed and ready to go again. I know that their is a lot I need to learn so this is another that goes to the memory bank.
  16. Wrench - your links to the Vantour corrected the problem many thanks The T28 is skunkworks where for some reason ***** is not allowed here at all. I sent an email to him but don't expect a response. I will need to know how to add an engine sound to the aircraft. Semper Fi
  17. Yes the T28 is from the A team Skunkworks Team
  18. The VantourBN is the one I installed in a merged SF2 game Sorry about the lack of infor fairly new so not exactly on top of everything. The T28 in my download files copyright and installation instructions below Contact Information: Cesar Pun. E-mail: *****1950@yahoo.com All Copyrights Reserved CPL Engineering, LLC © 2003-2010 Do not distribute, repackage or post without previous consent. No Modifications without previous consent is allowed Models are done solely for the purpose of enjoyment by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. A-Team reserves the right to use poetic license in the design. Model released to the SFP1/WoV/WoE community for their enjoyment with no implicit warranties, Caveat Emptor. By downloading this file you acknowledge that is provided on an "as is" basis, constructive feedback can be sent to the contact information. Custom work for this model can be done for a fee based on US$ 65 an hour Please read the model installation instructions * North American T-28A Nomad (Trojan is the trainer version) Set-up Instructions * A Strike Fighters 2 Add-on * Contact Information: Cesar Pun. E-mail: *****1950@yahoo.com * Brought to you by the SFP1 Dev A-Team of *****, Gramps, Charles, Kesselbrut & The Wrench * Airplane Model by *****, based on the source file by an unknown internet designer * Release 1 07/19/10 * Model T-28A-R1 * Do not distribute, repackage or post without previous consent. * All Copyrights Reserved CPL Engineering, LLC © 2003-2010 * No Modifications without previous consent is allowed * Models are done solely for the purpose of enjoyment by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. A-Team reserves the right * to use poetic license in the design. Model released to the SFP1/WoV/WoE/FE community for their enjoyment with * no implicit warranties, Caveat Emptor. * By downloading this file you acknowledge that is provided on an "as is" basis, constructive feedback can be sent * to the contact information. Custom work for this model can be done for a fee based on US$ 65 an hour * Contributors list * Original 3D Model design by an unknown internet designer * Model modifications by ***** * Textures by pappychksix * Screens by * FM by Starfighter2 * T-34 Virtual Cockpit by Kesselbrut * Requires weapons pack update included in this package ************************************************* 1- Airplane Contents - T-28A - Airplane Directory under Objects\Aircraft - T-28C-R1.LOD - Model LOD File - T-28C-R1.OUT - Model OUT File - T-28A.ini - Airplane ini file - T-28A_Cockpit.ini - Airplane cockpit ini file - T-28A_Data.ini - Airplane data ini file - T-28A_Loading.bmp - Game Loading bmp file - T-28A_Loadout.bmp - Airplane Loadout bmp file - T-28A_Loadout.ini - Airplane Loadout ini file - T28-s_holes.dds - Damage texture - T28-t_holes.dds - Damage texture - Copyright.txt - AFP1 Dev A-Team Copyright notice - T-28A_Installation_Instructions.txt - This document - T-28A\606SOS - Texture Directory under Objects\Aircraft\T-28A - T28-s.bmp - Main Texture - T28-t.bmp - Main Texture - Decals.ini - Decal ini - Numbers.lst - Airplane number list - patch.bmp - Texture patch - TextureSet.ini - Texture set declaration - ClrGlass.tga - Windshield glass - S2Prop.tga - Slow Prop Texture - F2Prop.tga - Fast Prop Texture - T-28A\USNRed - Texture Directory under Objects\Aircraft\T-28A - T28-s.bmp - Main Texture - T28-t.bmp - Main Texture - Numbers.lst - Airplane number list - patch.bmp - Texture patch - TextureSet.ini - Texture set declaration - ClrGlass.tga - Windshield glass - S3Prop.tga - Slow Prop Texture - F3Prop.tga - Fast Prop Texture - T-28A\Cockpit - Cockpit Directory under Objects\Aircraft\T-28A - A-4B_ATTITUDE.BMP - F86_reflection1.tga - F86_reflection2.tga - Mirror.bmp - Needles.bmp - Pit.bmp - PitMisc.bmp - Schatten.tga - schraube.TGA - Struts.bmp - T34panel.bmp - T-34Gauges1.bmp - T-34Gauges2.bmp - T-34Pit.LOD - T-34Pit.OUT 2- Unpack all of the files from the T-28A Package into a temp folder 3- Copy all files under the T-28A folder to the Strategy First\Strike Fighters\Objects\Aircraft\T-28A folder - Preserve the folder tree structure. It is easier just to drag and drop the VulcanBX folder into your Strategy First\Strike Fighters\Objects\Aircraft folder 4- Happy Hunting. Designer notes: Known Issues: - Plane is tuned for Hard Mode Release Notes: 07/19/10: Release 1 for Series 2 games
  19. I been looking at SF1 to find a workable MiG-17F and PF but the available aircraft are not compatable. Can someone tell me if their is a SF2 version MiG-17 F & PF available or maybe someone is modelling the aircraft as I speak.
  20. SA 341 "Gazelle"

    Unbelievable this is on great helo and a blast to fly and hunt. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful model and it functions superbly. More different helosss!!!
  21. Hi great model have the same problem with the stores showing up into the aircraft or on top of the racks. I do love this bird though we need more of them
  22. Mirage 5F

    Hi I tried to duplicate it but now it is fine (go figure) If it shows up again I will send you a screen shot of it. Thanks
  23. Mirage 5F

    I loaded this model today and I noticed that the right outer wing rack pokes up through the wing. Did I do something wrong loading it in SF2. I have the ordinance 2 pack loaded as well?
  24. New Member Downloads

    :grin:I am a new member and limited to 4 downloads every 24 hours. I understand about limited bandwidth and controlling the number of downloads but at 59 I may not have the time to download addon aircraft. What can I do to increase my access to the SF2 addon aircraft downloads?
  25. New Member Downloads

    Jugs agreement with manny is okay with me what is a subscription rate for full access to the site downloads?

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