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Posts posted by FeDee

  1. Muy linda Marcooos!! Estoy terminando el G-222 del Ejército Argentino, mañana lo estaré subiendo. Su operación en combate en Argentina fue un solo vuelo a Puerto Argentino durante la guerra. Actualmente están inoperables. this.gif








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  2. CH-47 Chinook Ejército Argentino

    Boeing CH-47 Chinook operated by the Argentinian Army for the model made by A-Team. Only two were used by the

    601 Helicopter Battalion during the Malvinas War, one was destroyed while on the ground and the other one was captured by British forces.


    Paste the folder "Batallón de Helicópteros 601" into the "Ch-47" folder



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  3. Shenyang F-60 - J-20 competitor?




    It's been nine months since the first grainy images of the Chengdu J-20 sneaked out of China on 24 December, but perhaps it's time to add another Chinese stealth fighter to the club. And a new UCAV. And a new UAV.


    First, meet the Shenyang F-60 (shown above). This scale model appeared on this Chinese web forum earlier today. There has long been speculation that Shenyang, maker of the J-8, was working on a rival stealth fighter to the Chengdu J-20. It's important to note that these images show only scaled-down models, not the real thing. But they may represent the best and clearest images of Shenyang's latest work. By the way, check the poster directly behind the fighter. That appears to show an interesting new UAV project. That's not the only new Shenyang programme revealed today. Over on the secretprojects forum, the spotters there posted an image of a new UCAV. It appears to be a scaled-up model of the subscale Shenyang UCAV demonstrator posted here last week.








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