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About manukar

  1. Already tried that and didnt worked(at least for me). Its easier to simply turn off the visibility of the fuselage and nose. Open the data.ini (xxxxx_data.ini; xxxx=name of the plane) Under the [Fuselage] section change: ShowFromCockpit=TRUE to: ShowFromCockpit=FALSE Do the same under the [Nose] section.
  2. I have tested it myself, and the mirage IIIO seat postion is way to low. Edit the seat position is harder. I will try to do it, and then gonna tell you.
  3. Open your mod folder, then "Objects", then "Aircraft", and then the Viggen Folder. With the notepad open the file "JA-37.ini" . Then modify the following lines to look like this: CockpitDataFile=Mirage3OF_cockpit.INI AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.DLL AvionicsDataFilename=Mirage3OF_avionics.INI Save the file.
  4. Editar bandos

    En el IsraelME_Nations.ini que tienes que extraer de la carpeta.cat añade: FriendlyNation00n=Iran Ó EnemyNation00n=Iran Donde n es el siguiente número disponible
  5. You need to designate a target for the radar guided missiles, otherwise they wont fire.
  6. 2500kts still a really high speed, even with a masive thrust you probably gonna need to change the aerodinamic values from the airframe. And that seems to be more complicated
  7. Don´t really get your point,very few aircraft are actually capable of reaching 2500kts AFAIK Flight dinamics setting (in difficulty settings) affect max speed of aircraft, try diferent values until you find one you like. ("hard" is suposed to be the most realistic) If you simply want overpowered planes you can simply change the "thrust" value in the "engine" section on the"data.ini". If you don´t know how to find this file look at the knowledge base on this forum
  8. off topic: is there any tupolev tu-2 bat available or in development?
  9. WW2 fighters turn rate

  10. hola quiero saber como cambiar cabinas

    Si quieres usar una de thirdwire: Abre el XXX.ini del avion (XXX= nombre del avion) y edita las lineas Cokpitdatafile=xxxxxxxxxxx.ini y Avionicsdatafile=xxxxxxxxxx.ini (xxxxxxxxxxxxx.ini= nonbre del archivo que quieres utilizar.) Todo esto se hace con el bloc de notas Si quieres usar una cabina de otro desarrollador haz lo mismo que antes, pero ademas tendras que copiar los archivos correspondientes, que suelen ser una carpeta llamada cockpit y los dos .ini (XXXXcockpit.ini y XXXXXavionics.ini)
  11. There is a translated version of gen1, made by fx interactive. http://www.fxinteractive.com/p155/p155.htm Anyway it has lots of bugs
  12. Is there any way to get working flaps? Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.

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