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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. Reviewing the Logitech G940

    Thanks for this review. Looks like my next controller, should my trusty MSFF2 ever fail...
  2. Well, SF1 is going the way of the dodo... Without concerted support from TK (who has noted that he doesn't want to go the WWII direction), SF2 will never be the modern day version of EAW that many of us Old Dinosaurs yearn to fly... Given all this, there are serious gaps in available aircraft for use in comprehensive WWII campaigns; of the aircraft avaiable for SF1, some are just not quite hi-fi-hi-def machines... Without a dedicated team effort, it isn't going to happen. Best to take Baltikas advice...
  3. Decals are easy. If you need help with them, send your skin templates and I can pull them off into proper decals... Let's get this airborne!
  4. You flying rocket scientist.... That's a purty little chart... What's it for?
  5. I just worked out formulas for Excel... :mega_shok:
  6. P-47N vs Mig17... Stay low and hi-yo...
  7. Pearl Harbor

  8. An interesting pic vs profile drawing.... http://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?p=1669439 and of course, the fount of reliable information... Hey, it lists the squadrons... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_Sunderland Still no definitive list of S/Ns...
  9. Canadian numbers... RCAF owned by RAF... http://www.ody.ca/~bwalker/RAF_owned_w9999.html
  10. Do you have a source for RAF S/Ns?
  11. You'll need this webpage for the Aussies... http://www.adf-serials.com/2a26.shtml
  12. Asus Xonar D1 souncard

    Look for DSP and "digital sound processor". You might look at Tom's Hardware on line for some reviews, also might be some at any of the various PC magazines websites. I have an article I can send you; I need to find it an dscan it first... Wikipedia even has a section on the Creative Soundblaster line of cards... ML
  13. Asus Xonar D1 souncard

    I've always used seperate sound cards. I currently have a Creative Soundblaster X-Fi. Make sure your new card does the digital sound processing (dsp) on the card. Many cards use CPU resources to process sound. Take the load off the CPU to improve in-game performance. My X-Fi has several performance "modes" and my PC is louder than my old Kenwood stereo...
  14. Wish Her Luck

    Oh, that's easy, Dave... It goes back to the old calvary days when they used to eat lame horses... Someone had to make sure the diseased old horse was fit for human consumption... (J/K. They just ate them any way, diseased or not...) Seriously, Best Wishes on her promotion, but I bet this is just a race to see who rated second behind your wife...
  15. Honorable Discharge

    Congratulations and best wishes for your new path...
  16. USAF Looks To Expand NMUSAF

    That's cool... Is that a new building for SF???
  17. Who??? Maybe I need a doctor...
  18. Killing a vampire in it's lair with a Mustang...
  19. WOWSER!!! That is just world class...
  20. I think the sense of speed is very good in the SF series. Pull your FOV back a bit and you clearly see a good sense of speed. It is certainly close... A video with a mix of video from WOI-1 in P-51 add-on and real video from the right seat of a King Air 200 landing in rain and clouds... Landing video
  21. Happy Birthday Brain32

    Happy Birthday!!

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