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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. Here are two versions of DBS:2. Both maps are 2000km square. The first map is close to 1:1 scale. The second is "normal" SF scale. Map B allows a wider range of target areas. Map A is more accurate. Both maps would require very long range flights. Please select one choice, A or B... Just looking for opinions. Map A: Map B:
  2. Very long flights are still a reality. The map is 1242 miles square... Long range flights from Anchorage to the farthest western target will still range about 1000 miles... I dare you to not use Alt-N...
  3. Available sytem memory for most people would be taxed to the Nth degree with 1024 tiles... I'm not sure the things will even run with an HFD file of 122mb...
  4. Well, if one set up the terrain for 1000-->250 then the standard 256 pixel tile would only cover ONE km insterad of TWO, effectively doubling the terrain tile resolution also ... Plus, height data points would be every 250 meters instead of the current 500 meter height resolution... Distance flown is the same regardless of map scale; it is still a 2000km wide map... I am leaning more towards "B" since I can squeeze in more places for targets. It is positioned on both so that I can place Anchorage in the correct place and be able to model the base there... This means the eastern edge is fixed... Going off-scale means I can include at least part of Kamchatka and the entire Bering Sea, from Diomede Islands to the entire Aleutian Island chain... Karaga Island off the east coast of the Kamchatka pennisula will be a great place for a Soviet naval base, as are a couple of other locations... I want this to be a target rich environment for both sides. This is why new objects will be critical.
  5. Buy YAP? My goal is to build and release something new, not to buy something already built...
  6. There, 75 minutes later, one made to order nuke plant... HOLY SMOKES!
  7. This isn't that hard, the SF world needs to be populated with stuff... If you have 3D skills and tools, then just make something for the ground... The SF community and I will thank you... :yes:
  8. Yes, I have access to Polak's library... Great stuff from him... He did the majority of radar and comm objects on the DBS map...
  9. Julhelm, very nice work. Ever considered building something to fly over, instead of something to fly in?
  10. Infidel of the week

    Huh... We haven't seen Chatty Bobby in some hours... Probably cowering in a tire bunker in panicked fear from a ten year old girl scout with a slingshot... Look out! There she is!!!
  11. Infidel of the week

    How lame... You, Bobby, are TWO nominees behind schedule, a schedule which YOU promised... Vain promises, smoke and mirrors... Your heart is full only of deception and laziness; certainly courage does not reside there... How apathetic is your contempt... You despise us all but cannot get around to actually telling us... Go back to your scruffy, flea bitten sheep... I laugh at your "honors"
  12. Back home at last...

    Welcome home! Thank you for your service to our Country. S!
  13. Hey, Michigan has great summers! (and sometimes they happen on a weekend...)
  14. I took it down and gave it away....

    The time came for this chapter to close today. Brandon stopped by my office and I gave him his Blue Star Service Flag that has been on my wall for these several years...
  15. I took it down and gave it away....

    Well, I'll let this webpage tell the story... "The Service Flag is an official banner authorized by the Department of Defense for display by families who have members serving in the Armed Forces during any period of war or hostilities the United States may be engaged in for the duration of such hostilities." The rest is here: http://www.usflag.org/history/serviceflag.html
  16. I am not so sure that USAFMTL was the only person exposed to noxious fumes from toxic chemicals...
  17. Ah yes, the naysayers and their visions of vaporware... Let's see... SF:P1 Wright Flyers: First Flight WOV WOE USAF:AD (Air Force use only) FE FE: expansion WOI (coming soon) Strike Fighters: any where, any when...
  18. Probably your exposure to noxious chemicals in the line of duty whilst in your service in the Air Force has negatively affected your central nervous system??? No need for apology, Dave... This is a great online community and I am glad to be a part of it! As for the original SF, I think the best part is the storyline in the manual and the Dhimar/Paran map...
  19. The official computer of the Aerodrome would be an Alienware Aurora with X2.6400 cpu and GeForce 8800 ultra, assuming I had one... WOW, they are so tempting... Nice stuff at Alienware...
  20. My cookbook is ready!

    Congratulations on getting published!
  21. It would be great to see the cluster bomb and combination bombs...
  22. ATT...

    Better have my DSL hooked up by the time I get home today... Hopefully I can get my new Zoom 5651 configured tonight and be online at the house.
  23. P-47 bomb loads from page 47 of Roger Freeman's "Thunderbolt" (1979). Interesting units...

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