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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. SH4 Screenshots

    If you get SH4, be sure to get the 1.3 patch. This game has some bugs and oddities, but overall, I really enjoy it... It sure has split my computer time...
  2. I don't... Your instructions look right... The only thing that raises my eyebrows is that 24bit TGA... Wasn't there an issue with a late model PS that needed a patch for 32bit TGAs to work correctly? If you have PS, check the Adobe website for updates...
  3. Ship docks

    You could always use the docks from DBS... I think Pasko made them... Russo made some too I think, that ended up in the Falklands map...
  4. SELECTIONS > INVERT ??? (I do this with PS5.5 also...)
  5. Well, that is interesting, 8bit for Alpha and 16 bit for color...
  6. Does your version of PSP support 32 bit TGA format? This is a MUST for decals... ( 24 bit for color and 8 bit for transparency...)
  7. Can you spot the flying jackalope bunny?
  8. Ageia PhysX ?

    Anyone using the Ageia PhysX card? I wonder flight sims, Strike Fighters in particular, might benefit from this type of hardware device... Or is it more hype than help... I do see this card is available on new Alienware systems. http://www.ageia.com/ Comments please... ML
  9. Ageia PhysX ?

    Well, it would seem that demands for computing power is spiralling upward, it just remains to be determined which piece of hardware will do the work... Thanks for the thoughtful replies..
  10. Doesn't it come packed with the early F-86 package??
  11. I... am a Michigan Wolverines fan...

    Huh... a sports team from Michigan did, ummm, poorly... huh... Small wonder I am not a sports fan...
  12. There are several Dhimaran and Pirani skin sets here at CA in the download section... Those will get you on track directly... I think the F-86 and F-84F are available, as well as several Migs...
  13. Take a look at the Dhimar and Paran decal TGA markings... I think they are numbered 255 and 256... Just make an entry using those numbers and they should be flyable... The Dhimar Merc markings are up there too, I think... It's been awhile... ML
  14. What a great plane, built by Republic with "Thunder" in it's name
  15. www.zur-tech.com This is Zur's website, the builder of the SF F-86... :)
  16. Anyway, CA_Stary, are you building new objects for SF for anything in particular?
  17. Downloading your own stuff is....

    Downloading your own stuff is stupid... BACK UP YOUR STUFF.... To those who have encouraged others to back up their files, you were wise to offer that advice... To those who followed that advice and actually backed up their computer files, you too, are wise... To those who haven't backed up their files, well, just be like me and download your finished projects from your own website and start all your new stuff over from ZERO... Then, go surfing all about the internet downloading software and bits to rebuild your system... RULES FOR HD BACKUP 1: You aren't special 2: Your HD isn't special 3: Things that aren't special are subject to random failure at inopportune times... 4: Back up everything you couldn't stand to lose... ML...
  18. That hangar looks fantastic!! I think that perhaps your naming convention is incorrect... Perhaps ***_001.LOD, ***_002.LOD etc... might be worth looking at other files to see examples.... ML
  19. I'll be away for awhile...

    I'll be out for awhile. I had a "major" HD crash... Guess what? I have been too lazy and lackadaisical to bother backing up my files.... That's right, it's gone, everything... DBS2, Aerodrome2, Air Race World, original source files, templates, artwork... you name it, I lost it. Data recovery might be able to extract things off my HD, sometime after I fell like paying $250+... Whatever... I have bought a new HD, but I need to get a real version of XP-SP2, not my old, umm, "borrowed" version... I may be gone awhile... See you over the Bering Straits! (sometime in the future...) ML
  20. Very nice... I think I will use them, if I may....
  21. I guess my kid likes planes too...

    What a wonderful family you have :) That was cool....
  22. What are you doing to the hfd file? Have you read the basic tutorial at the Aerodrome? ML
  23. What Are You Doing to Stay "Green"?

    Al gore wouldn't lie to us!!!!11!! He knows everything!!11!!1! He invented the internet!!!11!!!11!1
  24. What Are You Doing to Stay "Green"?

    No phones, no lights, no motorcar, not a single luxury, Like Robinson Crusoe, as primitive as can be...

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