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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. What Are You Doing to Stay "Green"?

    I grow sunflowers... That reduces my carbon footprint, but they release huge amounts of corrosive oxygen, causing steel to rust for miles around...
  2. What Are You Doing to Stay "Green"?

    Some shade of magenta or pink...
  3. Since you are painting the bmp directly, just paint flat spots where you want them... Airfields need a flat space; it doesn't matter if you paint them flat or the TE lays them. You are importing the 256 color TE pallette back in, aren't you?... ML...
  4. Old Marines....

    Veterans in West Michigan are still equipped with the hair trigger that military service gives you :) :yes: I bet this guy won't try that again... http://www.woodtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=6712595 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,286847,00.html
  5. 1: What would you prefer to see in an air race terrain: pylons or canyon like trenches? 2: Would you fly this online or solo on your PC?
  6. Thanks for the input. I have several ideas and will make some preliminary drawings of the map, incorporating the various ideas...
  7. Yeah, long and strait at an altitude of 32,000 ft...
  8. My air race terrain is all hand painted with trenches of varying width and depth, and design layout... All tracks are not suitable for all aircraft... I am planning on setback AAA to keep planes "in the groove"... I am also planning on bridges to help reinforce the importance of staying "in the groove".
  9. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of lakes and water areas on the map... Perhaps a timed "race" from takeoff to carrier trap... hhmmmm...
  10. Lakes would not be a problem, smaller rivers through canyonswould be more challenging. A body of water large enough for a carrier would simply mean making the map a bit larger... Step One: Already thought about it... (on-going process) Step Two: Alpha Concept Map (distributed for discussion) Step Three: Compile desired features and plan Alpha map 2... ( beginning this process...)
  11. (Biggs from Star Wars voice...) Stay on topic.... stay on topic...
  12. St Pauli Girl...

    Anyone have decent sized images of the 1998 and 2003 St Pauli girls? I want to remake my old "Tall One" main screen for SF... http://www.stpauligirl.com/pastgirls/images/poster1998.jpg http://www.stpauligirl.com/pastgirls/images/poster2003.jpg
  13. I also do the selection, select inverse... But, I do set a small amount of feathering, perhaps two to five pixels, for a nice smoothed edge...
  14. D-Day...

    S! To those who gave the last full measure so many years ago, sacrificing their tomorrows for our today...
  15. I use Photoshop 5.5 for the TGA alpha layer capability for decals... Works very well. I use PhotoImpact 6 and 10 for my (so-called alleged) "painting"...
  16. Welcome aboard! It's a great community at CombatAce and SF is a great sim! I hope you enjoy your stay... :yes:
  17. this would be cool to fly... http://pics.livejournal.com/laptop_mechani...0374r3/s640x480
  18. I guess we can all start making our own customized personal airshow and race skins for our favorite SF mounts... :yes:
  19. Actually, one idea I talked about with TK waaayyy back was an air race scenario with tall columns and some kind of timer that trips when you enter the course and ends when you exit the other end... We do have the F8F, from Geo IIRC.... There are also Typhoon IIs and the P51 already in-game... An air race is do-able :yes: Making terrain pylons is also a possibility...
  20. Well, I can think of several military birds I would like to see in SF... As for the Grand Canyon, I think I have that laying around somewhere... :yes: Anybody want to trade the Grand Canyon for a P-47Q???
  21. That would be cool... The ability to see and rotate an object in one little program... EAW had a nice object viewer... Please, some coder write one!
  22. Roll Call

    I'm in...
  23. The Hunter: Low-vis gray BF109G from II/JG3 Closing in... The Hunted... Complete with nose art... Coming soon...

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