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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. Is C5 going the way of CA?

    Perhaps more learned counsel could be obtained from the esteemed firm of Dewey, Cheatham and Howe...
  2. Pics of what I do for a living

    Very cool... We can always use new building...
  3. My new son...

    Congratulations to you and Mom!!! Don't despair about his flying... Lots of room in things with more than one engine...
  4. Help!

    Welcome to Office Max!
  5. Thanks to Geo, the DBS world is no longer void of wildlife... :) Thanks Geo! New, animated moose for the DBS map. The heads move about with thi scritter. One more detail for the SF world... I like this spot. I think I'll stay here... Strange looking tree...
  6. Thanks Kevin... I have just the spot for that...
  7. Well, there was an incident in which a Taiwan F-47N engaged a pair of Mig 15s in the '50s... The reference book noted that this was one instance of the Thunderbolt being more manueverable than it's adversary. The dogfight ended up a draw, with all going home. There was also an incident in Viet Nam in which a Spad took on a pair of Migs... The Spad made a couple of turns and the four 20mm's made quick work of one Mig... I believe he also damaged the other Mig... The P-47N also had the early RWR, as well as an actual autopilot... As for gun angles, more aggressive pilots tended to set convergance to one range, typically 250 yards... Don't be 250 yards in front of eight fifties on a P-47... You will come out of the sky the quick way... Turning with a prop WWII fighter against Mig 15s and 17s is a good way to rack up lots of low altitude kills in SF... I needn't mention my weapon of choice here
  8. anyone playing SH4?

    I am planning on it... I used to play the old DOS Silent Hunter... :yes: I can't wait to see this new one...
  9. Be sure to leave seven or eight pixels between the image on the decal the edge... Don't want bleeding... :)
  10. Jeff Bell and Jack Ralston, of Birhle Applied Research, ( http://www.bihrle.com )have graciously allowed me to release the 3D LODs from their flight sim "First Flight - The Wright Experience" ( http://www.mywrightexperience.com/ ) This sim is based on the Thirdwire flight sim engine, so these objects are easily imported into a Strike Fighters map. The trees have a unique feature: 'billboard'. The face of the tree pivots towards the viewer so you always see the full frontal view... Very cool! The flag is animated to blow in the wind.... Hotel or industrial type buildings... Church and brownstones... Houses, brownstones and trees... The Wright Brother's camp at Kittyhawk... Please visit the "First Flight" website and check it out...
  11. Based on TKs flight sim engine and using actual wind tunnel data from fullsize replicas, Birhle Applied Research is nearing completion of "First Flight, The Wright Experience Flight Simulator". This sim allows you to fly three of the Wright Brothers aircraft: the 1902 Glider, the 1903 Flyer and the 1911 "B" model Flyer. Birhle Applied Research has done simulation work for the US military on the F18, F15, JSF, F22 and many other aircraft, including the Harrier. There are several links to the associated groups responsible for the production of this new sim. Please stop by and check it out... :)
  12. Try it... that is one llloonngggg 120 feet! This isn't a 172 you're driving...
  13. Coming soon...
  14. A new mini-map system is now available at the Aerodrome. 500x500 km, it is designed as a training map for NOE flying and dogfighting and also for INI writers who want an easy and interesting palce to work. Beauty pass... A Beagle buys the farm and he was soooo close.... Note NOE in a deep valley. Note the canyon wall on the right...

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