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Major Lee

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Everything posted by Major Lee

  1. Happy Birthday CrazyhorseB34

    Happy Birthday!
  2. Another over the top cockpit, this time featued on WSJ.com http://video.foxnews.com/v/1411762518001/extreme-flight-enthusiasts-homemade-cockpit?intcmp=features
  3. Incompetent, and a coward

    They would have given DeFalco a public service medal for shooting this guy...
  4. Hey Green Bay!

    Dave, you shouldn't beat around the bush... Don't keep things bottled up inside... Let it out, tell how you really feel...
  5. Birthdays time!

    Happy Birthday!!
  6. Adding new meaning to the term "air cavalry"...
  7. I know you're trying Wrench, and I appreciate that.
  8. Well, the French flew late model P-47D over Algeria post war... Also, P-47 was instrumental in holding back the veiled aggression of Paran against Dhimar, again in the fifties, before the big show there in '59...
  9. And today is......

    Happy Birthday!!
  10. http://combatace.com/blog/18/entry-84-the-great-gabreski-autograph-give-away/
  11. OT... Women Complicated even Stephen Hawking thinks so...

    Stephen Hawking: "...thinking about women. "They are," he said "a complete mystery."" Well, that's just remarking the obvious...
  12. Video Editing

    Just asking if anyone does any video editing, and what is your prefered video editing software... Looking for actual user reviews and commentary....
  13. Video Editing

    Sony Vegas Movie Studio 11HD was under teh tree, so I'll see how it goes this year... I have a few ides that I want to make... Thanks for the comments! ML
  14. Gulls in Flight

    Well, the birds were about 40' in the air... Of course, I was about 35', on the top floor balcony of a hotel in Mackinac City, Michigan.. and their was flying popcorn, courtesy of my wife
  15. Waiter, oh waiter, say, I'd also like some cheese to go with all this fresh wine around here... Hey, I don't get a hi-fi P-47, you don't get no map generator thingie... Deal with it. I'm gonna have to go buy frickin MS Flight Sim LXXII some crap or other, then buy A2A Accusim Wings of Power something dealio, then get their hi-fi P-47, just to fly a decent looking Thunderbolt that can't even shoot or blow stuff up... I know, I know, like a hi-fi Jug is going to happen for SF; maybe SF-Project 19 by TK's great grand child... Yeah, sure. I'll be like this dude before that happens. Oh, and Merry Christmas.
  16. It's SidDogs birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  17. It breaks down like this... EASY: Climb Mt Everest Build supersonic aircraft from popsicle sticks Whistle Dixe while eating crackers and covering one eye while hopping on one foot HARD: Time Travel Predict winning powerball lottery numbers Learn and Master SF TE... Yeah, it's like that... :suicide2:
  18. Quote: "I think SF can only use one (1) terrain type having specular water sun/moon reflection." That is correct... You can make snow tiles glare so bright you gotta wear shades! But not water AND land tiles at the same time for specular reflections...
  19. Happy Birthday Erik

    Many thanks, Erik, for all you've done for this community! Happy Birthday! I hope it's a great one!
  20. Happy Birthday Sundowner

    Happy Birthday! I hope it's a great day!
  21. Currency Watchers: Euro

    Anyone have an educated guess as to the value of the Euro and where it is heading in the next quarter? May need to get some soon for travel... I've been watching it on WSJ.com
  22. Video Editing

    I like Windows MM, but would like more features. Downloaded Sony Vegas demo version... Very cool, going to put this on the Christmas list... Thanks! ML
  23. Hit prtscrn, then exit game and paste ctrl-v into a graphics program, then save image...

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