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Everything posted by SupGen

  1. Whoot! Thanks, Wrench! Perfect for Bob. Not, of course, that I've managed to get the Campaign to actually run yet!
  2. Wrench, any word on that 603 skin for the SpitMk1?
  3. Heck, the reason for that is those mod folders are not really different games; just renamed exes. For instance, I'm having a little trouble with Baltika's Battle of Britain mod built on SF2NA, it freezes when I hit the campaign button. When I run Task Manager to get out of it, it doesn't say Battle of Britain running, it says SF2NA. I think to the game engine they're one and the same. One thing I do is make copies of my Aircraft and GroundObject folders and rename them XAircraft and XGroundObject. After an update, delete Aircraft and GroundObject, make copies of XAircraft and XGroundObject and rename them. That being said I'm very interested in what Tannethal said as my installs are also on a drive other than C:.
  4. That's probably a DAT model; as WW2LuftFtrPilot comes with some of their early war German fighters. Maybe with the Fw190s(D9s) maybe. Haven't d/led any of those yet so, not sure but I'd look there.
  5. I dunno; the KAW Campaign is still there but when I clicked to "see Edwards other files" it said there's nothing there, so you're probably right. Thanks.
  6. Checked it, says BoB out of the box. Runnin' out of ideas, here.
  7. Thanks, the screens in BoB are working fine even if the Campaign isn't. I asked because my ADD, numbnut self downloaded Wings Over Africa from the DAT site; I actually got the Mainscreen on that to work with a modified Mainscreen ini. from the Falklands mod. I'll check that terrain name thing in BoB, I'm beginning to think I'll just re-install it, box stock this time.
  8. Try the link at ThirdWire here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=2da43d38-db71-4c1b-bc6a-9b6652cd92a3&DisplayLang=en . After I re-installed my OS, although al my SF2 stuff was on another, unaffected hard drive I had to re-install parts of DX whatever. Yeah, so it's probably worth a try before you consider anything more drastic.
  9. Hey Wrench, I've got your PTO Menu Screens pack, is there one for ETO? "whistling"
  10. Wrench, that would be great if you could do that. The flyable Spit Sqns are just 41 and 603 Sqns. The DAT Spits do have negative angles on tailwheel steering; as well as both ReverseInput and ReverseModelOrientation on both the tailwheel and rudder. Pretty sure the combination of those has something to do with it, but as you say it's much easier to switch planes. If you could do those skins, thanks a million! The 303 (Polish) skin I found is Hurricane1. As far as the Campaign goes, as you can see above, I can't even get it to run, yet! Edit: OK Wrench, I'm sold! Just downloaded the TMF Spit Mk1A and it is a beauty, and it's got the 41 and 610 Sqn skins! Awaiting 603 with worms on my tongue (bated breath).
  11. What would cause AI birds to mill around in circles after the player flown aircraft takes off? This happens with my Spits (only) on the BoB terrain with Baltikas' BoB mod. The Spits are DAT birds; the oldest versions I could find because all the newer ones have DDS skins and won't accept the skins included with the mod. I'm sure I've seen similar references here somewhere but don't know where. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  12. OK, I don't think I need all those squadrons because of the ""Default Texture" entry in the Campaign Data file. Although, I did find 303 Polish Sqn in the 1st Gen Dnlds section. Nice.
  13. Ditto. Yeah, if you could send me those files, I'd appreciate it. Thanks. Edit: Was just looking things over again and I think it's squadrons I'm missing. The campaign ini. calls for several I don't seem to have; 303 (Polish), 610 (Czech), and 25, 82, and 151 (RAF). Do you have those and if so, where did you get them? Thanks again.
  14. Hey usaphantom2, what did you do to get the Campaign to run? Mine just freezes. Thanks.
  15. Hey Wrench, thanks a lot; appreciate the quick response. By the way, did you see this: http://combatace.com/topic/34895-wov-target-object-placement-interface-tool-wip/ (Swambast's latest post) at first I thought you had bumped an old thread to see if I'd spot it but just a coincidence. Looks cool though.
  16. No, I know radar won't guide an IR missile...just thought maybe (because AA-6F does have the Mid-course box checked) that Silverbolt might be taking advantage of a game code "cheat" or something.
  17. Where is this thing? I've searched for it a couple of times, never find it.
  18. FRENCH Phantom??????? Ohhhhh mannnn, something in the universe just blew a gasket or something. Just thinking it is making my head hurt.
  19. Snailman, the AA-6F is from Silverbolts' High Definition Russian Missles pack here: http://combatace.com/files/file/9250-hd-russiansoviet-aams-for-sf2/ .A must for those who fly the Red side. Have you tried getting a radar lock on the target with the long-ranged IR missles? I don't know for sure if that'll work, but it may be worth a try. Fubar?
  20. Snailman, you might want to take a look at those missles with the Weapons Editor; radar guided missles with a launch range exceeding seeker range usually (and should, I think) have the Mid-course Correction box checked. This and a few other things (like Home-on-Jam) aren't indicated in the weapons' Data ini., so the only way to know is to use the Editor. Beam riders, at least in real life, fly a pure persuit course (I think) whereas SAHM flies lead persuit (toward the targets' predicted position at intercept). The IR missles I'm not sure about, don't know if they use Mid-course Correction or not. Put that Weapons Editor to use, I guess, and check 'em out. You'll probably find out lots of other useful tidbits as well. Good luck! A little update: I just checked with the Weapons Editor and the AA-6F (R-40TD, IR guided) does use Mid-course Correction.

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