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Everything posted by SupGen

  1. Hey Lexx, glad to see you finally got this up-I've been waiting for this; you're not the only one interested in B-36/47/52/58 vs PVO scenarios. Nuclear combat, toe to toe with the Russkies! Just hope I can get this to work in SF2; with the will there's a way, and if there's a way, I'll find it.
  2. Wrench, I'e got a 1) Full five [seven], merged, latest patch level, 2) Full five [seven], merged, April 2012 patch level, 3) NA stand alone, April 2012 patch level, and 4) Full four, merged, June 2010 patch level. My point is if you or malibu43 need a list of aircraft that have TEWS RWRs or the RWR lists themselves, I can give you either one.
  3. Wrench, the list may be identical, but what you didn't post is that the RWR lists are not "locked away" if you use an earlier version of the Cat extracter on a pre-NA version of the game. You can just scroll through the Cats and see which aircraft have one, which was malibu43's original question. Seriously.
  4. HAH! Got 'em! You have to use an older version of the Cat extracter- the new version doesn't "see" the RWR lists. Here's the A-10A_78_RWR.LST. F-4=RWR_F-4.tga F-8=RWR_F-8.tga F-14=RWR_F-14.tga F-15=RWR_F-15.tga F-16=RWR_F-16.tga F-18=RWR_F-18.tga NASARR=RWR_F-104.tga ScanOdd=RWR_MIG-17.tga SpinScan=RWR_MIG-21.tga JayBird=RWR_MIG-21.tga HighLark=RWR_MIG-23.tga FoxFire=RWR_MIG-25.tga Cyrano=RWR_Mirage3.tga BarLock=RWR_Search.tga LongTrack=RWR_Search.tga DogEar=RWR_Search.tga AAA=RWR_AAA.tga Hawk=RWR_Hawk.tga M163=RWR_M163.tga SA-2=RWR_SA-2.tga SA-3=RWR_SA-3.tga SA-6=RWR_SA-6.tga SA-8=RWR_SA-8.tga ZSU-23=RWR_ZSU-23.tga If you've got an old extracter, extract away! If not, let me know, I can do it later tonight, got some RL duties calling right now.
  5. What cat. file are the RWR list files in? And when did they dissapear? I've got a June2010 install that I've been looking through, and I don't see them. All the TGA.s are there, but no joy on the lists.
  6. As per my previous post on FuelIndicators, the number for the Prowlers is: Set[02].Value=15420.0. You can arrive at these numbers either by adding up Kg.s in the data ini.s and multiplying by 2.2 (which I did first) which gets you close, at which point you realize the exact number is given in the loadout screen in-game. Another thing is they all seem to come in at a very low angle-of-attack, especialy under autopilot, that to consistantly catch a wire you should add a half meter to the Hook in the data ini., HookArmLength=2.82. Last thing for now is since this pit was designed for a completely different flight model, the ApproachIndexer (AoAIndexer) values are way off; the original TW A-6A values work much better: [AoAIndexerSlowLeft] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_slow_left MovementType=LIGHT //Slow (19.50 - 30.00) Set[01].Value=10.14 Set[02].Value=23.53 [AoAIndexerOnSpeedLeft] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_on_speed_left MovementType=LIGHT //OnSpeed (18.00 - 20.00) Set[01].Value=9.16 Set[02].Value=10.47 [AoAIndexerFastLeft] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_fast_left MovementType=LIGHT //Fast (0.0 - 18.50) Set[01].Value=-5.00 Set[02].Value=9.49 [AoAIndexerSlowRight] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_slow_right MovementType=LIGHT //Slow (19.50 - 30.00) Set[01].Value=10.14 Set[02].Value=23.53 [AoAIndexerOnSpeedRight] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_on_speed_right MovementType=LIGHT //OnSpeed (18.00 - 20.00) Set[01].Value=9.16 Set[02].Value=10.47 [AoAIndexerFastRight] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_fast_right MovementType=LIGHT //Fast (0.0 - 18.50) Set[01].Value=-5.00 Set[02].Value=9.49
  7. Hey Fubar, any word on those updated ini. files?
  8. The FuelIndicator fix Fubar mentions is an easy one, in the Cockpit ini., in the FuelIndicator entry: change Set[02].Value=10000 to Set[02].Value=15770.0.
  9. Fubar's post is here: http://combatace.com...post__p__552044 Edit: I just noticed you were the last poster in that thread! 2nd Edit: The FuelIndicator fix Fubar mentions is an easy one, in the FuelIndicator entry: Set[02].Value=15770.0.
  10. Thanks for the fast reply. Tried the "clock trick", too. I also noticed some seemingly non-functional displays in the Razbaam pits, SideslipIndicator, Range/CourseCounters on the HSI, Wheels light, etc. I tried some ini. fixes with no luck, do you think this is a lod. issue? I recall Fubar mentioning somewhere that he had an updated Razbaam pit that had all the lights, etc. working, and that Razbaam had cleared it for release, but I don't know what's happening with that. Your thoughts on this would be much appreciated, I'd love to get that stuff working.
  11. Homefries, beautiful job, as usual. Got a question, though, I'm using the Razbaam pits and per your instructions installed the EA-6A pit in the '71 and '73 versions. Although all the entries seem to be there in the Cockpit, Avionics, and Data ini.'s, there seems to be no RWR visible. Installed a straight Razbaam EA-6A to a different install to test; same thing (all the entries are there, also). Did those early versions of the EA-6B not have a RWR?
  12. Hey Spec, you sure it's not this: http://combatace.com/topic/74202-help-with-far-east-terrains/
  13. Click this: http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/eyes/
  14. That's the view from 120,000 feet up. I've seen it too, mainly when I've done something really dumb in an aircraft's ini. files. Not really sure what causes it, though.
  15. Blog: If war is the question... what is the answer?

    JediMaster, you are 100% correct except for one thing... If you look at the history of thr United States you'll see we were always extremely polarized, (to the point that we fought a very costly civil war over certain political differences). I'm not saying it would be impossible, but it would be very difficult for the "party in power" to outlaw the opposition (I agree they all have wanted to-back to the beginnings of the Republic). The reason Representatives are elected for two years, Senators for two, Presidents for four, and members of the Supreme Court for life is to prevent those cycles from synching and allowing that kind of power to accrue to either (any) side. The Founders were actually some pretty smart cookies; they knew that sometimes, gridlock is a good thing.
  16. fufa, did you turn UAC off? That's exactly the kind of thing it does; "Unable to create/write,You do not have privilages, etc. Turn it off, off, off. Control panel, User Accounts, turn User Account Control on or off. Turn it OFF.
  17. 90% of the problems with Vista are due to User Account Control, turn it off. I'm running SF2, not SF1 but I sometimes have to click on the Weapons Editor multiple times (three seems to do it), then wait a minute or two. Also make sure your Weapons Editor is the correct version for the patch level you're at. I'm using Vista also and with UAC off I have no problems.
  18. You guys do realize that there is an Iranian Tomcat in the Tomcats Superpack v.1.8, right? And, that with the recent updates it's better than the TW version? And that v.1.9 is about to be released (not two weeks) and that these are going to be the best Tomcats, anywhere, um, well, ANYTIME BABY! Trust me, you guys are gonna like this, it'll be out in a couple of days.
  19. As someone's signature (don't remember who) says: No drop of rain thinks it is responsible for the flood.
  20. There I was at 7000 AGL TWO MIGS at 12 o'clock

    The future beckons...
  21. Between the two techniques, I find Andy Bush's to be the most useful. Joe, the link Migbuster posted is down towards the bottom of the page I gave you.
  22. Try this, Joe: http://www.simhq.com/_air/acc_library.html . Lotsa good stuff here, air to air, air to ground, you name it. Good luck and post back how you're doing. And by the way you don't get any hate at this site 'less you give some first.
  23. Streakeagle, it's called JSGME-Jones Soft Generic Mod Enabler, and it works, perfectly, for what you're talking about. I've patched, updated, etc. and zero problems. Disable all mods (touch of a button), patch, and re-enable your mods. No problem.

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