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Posts posted by Spudknocker

  1. Hey guys!  I recently bought FC3 and the NTTR and am trying to get into DCS... My FPS is fine in DCS World 1.5 but it comes crashing down in DCS world 2.  Is there anything in that can be changed or edited in the various files to help with this?  


    Im currently getting 30-50 in 1.5 and 5-25 in 2, it just makes it too choppy to play especually with a tracker IR...


    I have all settings on low in 2 and the frame rate sucks and all settings on high in 1.5 and the frame rate is good... Can anyone help?

  2. Iran-Iraq War Terrain/Campaign

    Included in this package is a brand new Iran-Iraq/Western Asia Terrain with 4 campaigns.


    Three of the campaigns compose the three periods of the Iran Iraq War-


    1st- the initial invasion which spans from 1980 through 81- Lots of CAS and Intercept as well as strike missions.


    2nd The War of the Cities and Tanker War from 1982-1987-Many interdiction anti-shipping and strike missions similar to Rolling Thunder


    3rd The Battle For Al-Basrah all of 1988- Lots of CAS, anti-ship and strike missions


    The 4th campaign is a semi-fictionalized Project Dark Gene/Ibex campaign from 1970-77 with USAF and IIAF units conducting recon missions against Soviet Installations and protecting Iranian borders from Iraqi Incursions. Because the terrain doesn't extend to the Soviet Border the campaign was turned 90 degrees with northern Iraq-Mosul/Tikrit acting as our stand in Soviet area.


    Includes all the required aircraft and skins including Ravenclaw's Beautiful new IIAF/IRIAF F-4's and Iranian weapons and new F-4D and RF-4E skins to match from Yakarov79!


    A separate install is not required and will work best if incorporated into a big everything thrown in Mod Folder.


    This mod package is meant to be an addition to Operation Darius or Operation Desert Storm and NATO Fighters 5 from Eburger68. Ground Objects from Mr Burgers packages are required for example Iranian Destroyers.


    Here is a link to Op Darius- http://combatace.com/topic/74627-operation-darius-final-part-1-of-4/


    And Desert Storm- http://combatace.com/topic/84643-operation-desert-storm-for-sf2-redux-part-1-of-3/


    Nato fighters 5- http://combatace.com/files/file/13332-nato-fighters-5-part-1-of-8/


    The Aircraft included in this mod are readily available here at CA and the thank you/credits list is too large to name everyone! See the credits list for NATO Fighters 5 that should cover everyone!


    A HUGE thanks to Blaze for Letting me tinker with his new Western Asia Terrain to make it Perfect for an Iran-Iraq War Campaign!


    This Mod is a combination of many people's work here at CA thank you everyone who helps contribute to the Community!


    I am by no means an expert but I have had a blast putting this together over the last few months if someone can add more realism to the campaigns PM me and let know! I hope everyone enjoys this!


    • Like 5

  3. Hey CA!  I had a quick question about the ZSU-23 and ZU-23 guns... Seems they will only shoot when an airplane flies super low and super slow over them... Any way to make them shoot more often are farther targets? 


    Also what package has the best AAA effects?  I recall one mod having custom airburst sounds for different AAA guns ie a small popping sounds for 23mm with whitish/grey bursts.  I accidentally overwrote these while messing with my effects folder and now I cant find these cool effects anymore... seemed to really add some variety when you could tell what was shooting at you

  4. Well not to worry Viggen I have 4 iran Iraq Campaigns already!  


    1- Project Dark Gene/Project Ibex- A long running low intensity campaign meant to be a semi fictional scenario of 1970-1979 border skirmishes with Iraq as well as Classified USAF and CIA recon flights over the Soviet Union for probing air defenses... Because the terrain doesnt encompass the Southern Border of the Soviet Union I simply pivoted the operation 90 degrees to Northern Iraq with Soviet interceptors


    2- Iraqi Invasion of Iran, surprise attack low supply levels for Iran low replacement times on ground units, aircraft and weapons lasts till 1982


    3- War of the Cities/Tanker War- LOTS of interdiction type missions hitting SCUDs, Oil Terminals, oil fields, lots of anti shipping missions.  Iran is better supplied with a new Squadron of F-4D's bought from South Korea, weapon/aircraft replacement is higher but a lack of pilots.  Ground war is a stalemate.  (Contemplating adding a squadron of Saudi F-15s as a surprise addition for interceptions only. 1982-1987


    4- End Game (Not sure what to name this one)- Iranian units reenergized for large offensive to end the war.  Iraqi forces are depleted after losing a lot of soviet support.  Su-24's introduced to Iraqi airforce 






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