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Posts posted by Spudknocker

  1. Hey guys!  Quick question guys... How does one reduce the number of flights in a campaign mission so that there isn't a huge battle taking place with 2 CAS flights, a Armed Recon, 2 intercept, a CAP, and about the same on the other side... This seems to reduce realism having 25+ tactical jets over one city at a time... while at the same time Im pretty sure its making my computer crash to desktop...


    Any ideas on how to reduce the number of airplanes flying?  Or is this a built in thing?


    Also how do you reduce the skill level of squadrons?  Ive got Iraqi MiG-21 pilots shooting down Iranian F-14's left and right... Although I did have one of the best dogfights of my SF2 career haha 

  2. Ya I have been using the TFD tool and I have found a way to make the rivers... However now i have the problem of airfields not becoming completely flat... tires are still poking through the tarmac... airplanes take off fine its just an annoying visual thing


    So i tried exporting a heightmap BMP file from the TFD tool and then reconverting it back to an HFD using the BMP2HFD tool to see if a completely new file would solve the runway issue but now it just hangs up at 30% loading... thank gosh I backed up the original HFD


    Anyway around the game not accepting an HFD from the BMP2HFD tool?


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