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Posts posted by Spudknocker

  1. Hey guys!  Lots of questions today haha this one may be for the terrain Guru's, so i shelled out some money for YAP's rising sun pack and the terrains look amazing thats for sure however, they seem to be missing any AAA guns around the map, is that a types Ini issue? I have the guns in my ground objects folder they are just missing in terrain.  I looked into the targets ini and there were multiple entries for targettype=AAA does that work? or does it need to be STATIC_AAA?

  2. F-16E/F Block 60 REDUX

    F-16E and E Block 60 Desert Falcon's redone!
    I uploaded a older E/F pack that was pretty awful to be honest here is a much better redo!
    Made using the Block 50/52 models now to make it look better in general as well as some updates to the skin!


    Built using the Greek and Turkish F-16's as a base so if you have those the E/F should work just fine! You should already have all the weapons and sounds from earlier F-16 packs! Happy Hunting in the Gulf!


    Thank you to the Viper Team and everyone else who has worked on the SF2 vipers or this would never have been possible!


    • Like 1

  3. Im glad you like it Blaze,  basically just played around with the Aimpitchoffset statements and flights over the range, I believe that for whatever reason the AI in SF2 doesnt like negative numbers in the aimpitchoffset statement the updates to the strike eagle FM required changing these statements to positive numbers so that AI aircraft could in fact reliably hit ground targets with both strafing runs and dumb bombs (Mk82's rockeye's etc)

  4. So in the Data INI of aircraft theres the AI section as we all know...  However Im having a couple issues with the AI  sections of a couple of aircraft.


    The biggest issue is strafing with the F-15E and its variants basically my issue is no matter how I alter the strafing section the jets dont fire a consistent number of bullets and usually too short of the target and sometimes do not even shoot at all I havent been able to figure this out but I will keep playing with it.  Anyone have any ideas?  or suggestions? 

  5. Hey CA and Wrench and all the other lovely admins!  haha I may just be thinking out loud here but after looking at the other 4.33 thread I had a light bulb go off... What if one of the owners/admins (I was thinking like Wrench) went to TK and said we will buy the rights to SF series from you and charged all CA subscribers say like 20 bucks (as a random figure) to build the necessary funds for the purchase and then have the rights basically collectively owned by the subscribers/modders here at CA (with the awesome admin's taking priority of course) Heck you could even rename the site "Combat Ace: Home of the Strike Fighters Series" 


    Just a crazy idea I thought up but I thought i should mention it cause it seemed like a viable idea to raise the funds needed and Im sure the follks here would be fine for paying 20 bucks or something to have access to all parts of the game!  

  6. Hey CA for some reason that I cannot figure out my WW2 install crashes directly to the desktop every single time I hit the Fly! button.  This happens with every terrain and every aircraft.  I tried creating a new Mods folder that didnt work then tried making a new mods folder with a different exe and that didnt work either, Ive tried reinstalling the Terrains and aircraft all to no avail :( I am out of ideas... does anyone have any?

  7. Ya so look in your terrains folders and make sure everything is matched relating to cases and extracting the cat files seems to really help for what ever reason.  It could be the game engine reacting to something thats a little different in Windows 10 like maybe the new OS is looking for more specificity when its trying to find/archive files who knows haha This might be a litttle thing that could be good to put in the Knowlege base wrench or any other admins 


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