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Posts posted by Spudknocker

  1. Hello CA!  I thought i would share this little tidbit I stumbled across late at night (couldnt sleep haha)  If you have a terrain lets say for example Desert4 if you extract the Desert.cat files and place all the files in the desert4 folder (being careful not overwrite any of the custom files in the desert4 folder) and then slash out the .cat file statement in the terrain.ini file this can DRASTICALLY reduce load times and potential crashes.  I believe this is due to the fact that the game engine doesn't have to unpack the compressed CAT file to find the missing pieces stored within it.  Ive tried this with multiple terrains all the to same great effect (CubaOTC and Iran-Iraq etc)  


    The second thing ive discovered is that the File name callouts in the terrain.ini folder for example NationsFile=DESERT4_NATIONS.INI etc ARE in fact CASE SENSITIVE now using Windows 10, this wasn't the case before using Windows 8.1 and this has helped avoid issues with nations and flying CAS missions in seemingly random areas of terrains haha.  If any of this is old info I apologize but this has kinda been a light bulb moment for me and has alleviated a lot of frustrating issues.

    • Like 4

  2. Hey CA!  Through my own and many other's efforts we have much strike eagle goodness coming down the pipeline and some have already rolled out!  The FM update the loadout updates and the wonderful cockpit repaint done by viper63a.  However what we need for all fans of the Mudhen here at CA is a completely new cockpit for the Strike Eagle and her variants.  Unfortunately the work required to build a new cockpit is outside of my skill set.  I humbly reach out to the awesome CA community for this request!

    To add I found a great 3d F-15E cockpit for sale but is not for the SF series if someone agrees to help port the cockpit to the SF series I will be more than willing to pay for the cockpit!

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  3. Strike Eagle FM and Loadout Enhancement Kit

    3.3- Added F-15I_Raam decals folder as it occurred to me not everyone has that specific Raam decal folder name


    3.2-Fixed an error in the F-15I Ra'am's AIrcraftdata section and updated all variant's gross weight's thanks to Fanatic Modder bringing to my attention that the wing pylons weights were added twice to the aircraft's mass. Also more refinements to the AI statements for happy wingmen!


    3.0- Best update yet! Redone AI statements for all Strike Eagle Variants, your wingmen and all AI will finally be able to drop dumb bombs on target! Also fixes AI strafing runs and the Strike Eagles will be able to strafe ground targets with accuracy! Also added some nice hanger and loading screens to the F-15SG as some extra eye Candy! Enjoy your new wingies!


    Update 2.5-Fixed CBU Attack loadout! Updated FM even more! Suggestions always welcome!


    This is a FM and loadout enhancement package first started by Crusader to kinda bring the Strike Eagle family more up to date with recent advances in SF2 modding ability! This mod changes the order of release for the CFT weapon stations and allows for more customized loadouts in the loadout menu before a mission. These changes along with a new STRIKE loadout of MK82's allows the AI to more easily hit a target. The FM changes are just updates to the FM and more realistic gross weights/Loaded weights etc and should help the AI better manage Flying the Strike Eagle and all its variants. Small updates were also made to the LANTIRN systems of all the jets. Also is an updated F-15i skin touched up by me. This pack covers the F-15 Strike Eagle variants from FastCargo's F-15 Super Pack including the
    and F-15SG


    Now we just need a new strike eagle cockpit!


    Thank you especially to Fastcargo for his F-15 pack and crusader for starting the FM mod, and anyone else who has contributed to the F-15's and everyone on CA!
    If I've messed anything up feel free to PM me and I can see what I can do to fix the issue! Happy SCUD Hunting or Iranian nuclear bunker busting!


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  4. Heyo CA!  So I bought the RAZBAM A-1 skyraiders for SF2 and did my best to update them to SF2 standards but the AI does odd thing with them... they attack at like 89 knots almost at a stall and that leads to crashes, and when they do pull off an attack without a crash they then always fly out to exactly 4.5 miles away from the target and turn around to reattack, now in game time thats a heck of a long time in a skyraider at 89 knots haha, As a comparison I have noticed that the third wire skyraiders tend to do close to the same thing... anyone have a fix?


  5. Heyo CA!  So in my ever present quest for optimal graphics and fps and the constant conundrum that provides I have a question for any modders more experienced than me... I love the darker/More saturated look of Unlimited Effects is there a way to preserve that while in High Effects?  The lighter screen shot is in High with fps of 55-70ish and the darker is with unlimited with FPS of 20-30ish usually hovering at about 29... I dont have a tippy top of the line computer its I7-5500U 16GB of Ram and SSD.  Does anyone know how to make that darkened look on high effects?  I know SF2 is a 32bit game is there a way to make it use more RAM space to help things along? 



  6. ​Hey CA!  So I have been playing around with a lot of fun WW2 addons but one thing that I have found that's a little strange is when flying escorts or intercepts on heavy bombers like Flying Fort's or liberators their bomb runs are exceedingly Slllooooowwwww... I just don't think its accurate that a formation of 17's would be Nose high almost at stall speed (like 70knts)  while dropping bombs on targets.  This also makes escort missions VERY LONG as well haha.  This seems to be an issue for any and all SF2 B-17/24's I haven't tried 29's yet.  I love the work done on these great models and not trying to belittle anyone's hard work just trying to make it even better!


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