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Everything posted by DEVIL11

  1. Soo first how do u up date does it go under C:\Users\\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\? and for the mods shuld it go under the same or does it differ from mods?
  2. Thanks Eric J ill get back to u and see if it works k.
  3. Ok good thanks so say i got a mod and the game reads june 2011 instead of june 2012 did i do something wrong
  4. Soo then thta would be the plane download after all correct?
  5. I uploaded the may 2012 patch and StrikeFighters2 "Operation Hydra" V1.0 Part1 and it went back to june 2011 patch so i was wondering if there is sepreate places to install the patch and the game to C:\Users\Aaron\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\
  6. Soo I updated to march 2012 update for SF2E. But im still getting black skins for the vipers team F-16 and the F-15 Super pack. And for somereason the update is still June 2011 after updating to March 2012 any idea what im doin wrong
  7. How to do that and by the way i cant update it no more it says patch is already updated
  8. I downloaded the new F-16 block 50-52 the skins are black do I need to patch the game up same goes to the F-15 pack
  9. In the game what is a missle boost like what data do u change to make the smoke look kinda real
  10. Sorry theres no way i can change it i tried the missile range simulator but nothign?
  11. For the weapons add them to the weapons in ur install then go to weapons first it will say unicode change code to ASNI and that should do it
  12. I was wondering what the FA-18 skins for I tried the FA-18A
  13. Add the gun into the gun editor and then make a folder that says Guns and put the gun name in their
  14. Is their a link to show u the controls to help fly helicopters
  15. In the strike fighters serious In the strike fighters serious
  16. Ok click the Ah-64 apache ini the one that says AH-64 then double click it and where it says file click file then save as and just save it as it is dont do anything but hit save k
  17. First step put the AH-64A Apache into the aircraft directory then do one ini at a time and save each one to ansi format then the same for the AH-64D Longbow Apache cuz it worked for me
  18. Hello yassine15 the wayu camvert is go to the AH-64A and D APACHE is Look at all the inis and go to save as to all the inis and save them to ANSI Format then u got it let me know if u got them k

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