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Everything posted by DEVIL11

  1. I found how to get the hts pod to work
  2. How am i suppose to get the weapons working with wings over europe i have weapons editor 04\26\06
  3. Thanks for the info got it
  4. Hollywood Explosions

    Add a folder called effects
  5. Skins and flyable aircraft

    Hi had falcon 4.o allied force for a while and was wondering if u can choose different paint schemes for instance i would to the directory in the game and saw alot of paint schemes that dont show up in the squadron selection for campain plz help
  6. Skins and flyable aircraft

    Ok thanks migbuster
  7. Skins and flyable aircraft

    Like i added the skins and some are replaced by them but the skins what do they do if u add them
  8. Skins and flyable aircraft

    Whats with the paint schemes then if they are their
  9. Skins and flyable aircraft

    Thanks migbuster cuz im trying to fly with the new york ang
  10. F-16C/D USAF skin set

    What does this skins do i put every single skin and it dont show up
  11. Can u do that for Wings Over Europe just askin dont get mad
  12. Hi i was wondering if their is a more realistic missile effect like in strike fighters 2 cuz when i shoot a missile the mottor is a big smoke trail
  13. Like the smoke trail and the glow effect
  14. Soo theirs no way i can make them or look alike as sf2
  15. Im trying to make the missile effect like in strike fighters 2 how its more modern
  16. If u were gonna buy a game where would u buy it

    Oh ok cuz like it would be my first time buying anything from amazon thats why im askin for ur oponion and to see if its safe
  17. If u were gonna buy a game where would u buy it

    Awesome cuz i wanna get falcon 4.0 falcon 4.0 allied force and a warpath jurassic park and it comes out to 92 something cuz its 3.99 shipping even though i live in the US
  18. If u were gonna buy a game where would u buy it

    Fast as in they ship faster or just faster
  19. Is their any way i can add wing vapor for the g pulling aircraft like the F-16 and also i was wondering if u can add like idk how to explain it but u know when the plane moves the wingtip kinda bounces

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