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Everything posted by DEVIL11

  1. Idk if the FA-18E\F\G or the F-14B\D Tomcat took part in desert storm but if they didnt i was wondering if i can put them on the desert storm mod to fly in campains
  2. Sorry for askin but is the harm targeting pod in the right spot and what does it do in the game
  3. On ur quote about harmed i gave the details to put in ur F-16
  4. SOme files dont download in order for me to play it
  5. Here is the information go to ur F-16 Data ini look for right chin delete the right chis and add this line and u will have the harm targeting pod [RightChin] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=10 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.654,2.2,-0.80 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=80 AllowedWeaponClass=LP,DLP AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName=LPYLON PylonMass= PylonDragArea=0.02 DiameterLimit=0.4 LengthLimit=2.6
  6. Im honored to see all the pixs of busy airfileds and one day hopefully i will know how to populate an airfield or aircraft carrier
  7. Is their a code or something that can get every squadrons fuel tank cuz on sf2 every squadron that i selected it had iots fule tanks
  8. I meant that i have beta four but dont know what files to dowload any thing that could help me get it to down load
  9. Is that passible and would it be out for 1st gens as well if in SF2 Serious?
  10. u cant add aircraft to stock carriers
  11. Hi is yankee air prate a direct download after buy or do they ship the cd to the house
  12. Is their any possible way this can happen? Ok for strike fighters two veitnam and europe. I noticed that once a plane was shot down out of the sky once the plane hit the grown the plane was destroyed on the grown left their should i take a pix of what im talkin about :)
  13. That would be nice a rafale b and a rafale m
  14. did u put the weapon in ur weapons folder
  15. Yes delete the betty over g sound in ur sounds

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