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Everything posted by DEVIL11

  1. K thanks is their such thing as two planes takin off at once for (ex) you take off first the the wing man trails u on ur righ side welluboth takeoff
  2. Speaking of nose arts can both sides carry the art what i mean i i painted a heart on a jet and the heart was not up side down but as soon as i put it on the other side it was upside down
  3. F-15 ACTIVE for the ThirdWire Series

    yea go to column 5 and theres a link to get 7zip and get the one that says exe
  4. Ok cool cuz their is this paint scheme that i wanna do with the F-16C Block 50 or 52
  5. Does it say skin templete or does it go under decals
  6. Looks cool how do u do that i wanted to put a shark mouth on an F-16 From Spangdlem
  7. i just bought A-10C Last night how could i download it on my computer what files do i need plz help
  8. Hi everyone just got back from tucson i got lock on modern air combat how do i add aircraft
  9. My name is Aaron. When i was a baby my mom almost killed. I found out when i was growing up that i have a learning disablilty soo i am sorry for giving u a hard time really i am. I try my best to spell write for u guys to understand and im really
  10. Thanks u guys that means alot i just didnt want nothing bad happening u know i just wanna be a good friend
  11. I have this for the misc keys in the gam 4 5 6 7 8 9 shift 1 and Shift 2 how ever i have a refueling pod for the FA-18F and it also has others and i tried this [AirRefuelingDoor] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION4 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=3.0 AnimationID=5 [OpeningCanopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION5 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=5.0 AnimationID=7 [TDDeploy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION6 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=4.0 AnimationID=8 [buddyPod] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION7 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=10.0 AnimationID=6 but when i fly the jet the ANIMATION dont seem to work any help or suggestions
  12. Yea the game is saved on my desk top though.
  13. Thanks then how could i patch it to were they work cuz i tried the 08 patch i installed the wings over europe to my desktop and then i did that patch the 08 and as soon as i got the game working it still said version 4\23\06
  14. Ok thanks fast cargo and im running it as version 4\23\06
  15. This is the first part SystemName[001]=Engine1 SystemName[002]=Engine2 SystemName[003]=FuselageFuelCell2 SystemName[004]=FuselageFuelCell3 SystemName[005]=CenterlineStation SystemName[006]=LeftSparrowStation SystemName[007]=RightSparrowStation SystemName[008]=Tailhook SystemName[009]=LeftMainGear SystemName[010]=RightMainGear SystemName[011]=Airbrake SystemName[012]=Refueler SystemName[013]= SystemName[014]=LeftNavigationLight1 SystemName[015]=RightNavigationLight1 SystemName[016]=ECM SystemName[017]=DecoyDispenserLeft SystemName[018]=FuselageFuelCell4 SystemName[019]=DecoyDispenserRight SystemName[020]=LeftSpoiler SystemName[021]=RightSpoiler SystemName[022]=EngineSpinner1 SystemName[023]=EngineSpinner2 SystemName[024]=BuddyPod SystemName[025]=BuddyPodSpinner SystemName[026]=BuddyPodStation SystemName[027]=ATFLIRSensor SystemName[028]=ATFLIRStation SystemName[029]=Slimers SystemName[030]=LaserPodStation HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=ALUMINUM Armor[FRONT].Thickness=4 Armor .Thickness=4 Armor .Thickness=4 Armor[REAR].Thickness=4 Armor[TOP].Thickness=4 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=4 this is the second SystemName[001]=FuselageFuelCell1 SystemName[002]=Pilot SystemName[003]=Canopy SystemName[004]=NoseGear SystemName[005]=InternalGun SystemName[006]=WSO SystemName[007]= SystemName[008]=LandingLight SystemName[009]=AirRefuelingDoor SystemName[010]=OpeningCanopy //SystemName[011]=WingFold SystemName[011]=TDDeploy SystemName[012]=TDWire8 SystemName[013]=TDWire7 SystemName[014]=TDWire6 SystemName[015]=TDWire5 SystemName[016]=TDWire4 SystemName[017]=TDWire3 SystemName[018]=TDWire2 SystemName[019]=TDWire1 //SystemName[020]=NoseSkid //SystemName[021]=LeftSkid //SystemName[022]=RightSkid HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=ALUMINUM Armor[FRONT].Thickness=4 Armor .Thickness=4 Armor .Thickness=4 Armor[REAR].Thickness=4 Armor[TOP].Thickness=4 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=4
  16. Are they the misc keys or different
  17. Is there any weapons editor that will work on Wings over Europe that will work without updating? Not saying that I'm lazy too update it
  18. With the weapon data after i passed 2099 for a weapon then when i added another weapon i tried 3000 and i saved it then i went to the weapon editor and the weapon wasnt their that i added soo i was wondering what to do on this problem
  19. What comes after 2099 i tried 3000 didnt work

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